qtl2bioc is part of R/qtl2. It uses Bioconductor facilities to obtain the set of mouse genes in a region. While the functions within qtl2bioc could logically be included within qtl2, we've kept it separate in order to reduce package dependencies for those not interested in making use of the Bioconductor features.
To install qtl2bioc, first install the Bioconductor packages GenomicRanges and AnnotationHub:
BiocManager::install(c("GenomicRanges", "AnnotationHub"))
Next, install the remotes package:
Finally, install the R/qtl2bioc package from its Github repository.
The R/qtl2bioc package contains two
key functions, grab_ensembl()
, for downloading the
Ensembl gene annotations, and
, for creating a query function to
grab gene records for a given region.