A library for synchronizing multiple HTML5 video elements. Implemented as a jQuery [1] plugin. Works with plain HTML5 video elements and with video.js [2] when video.js has been detected.
Copyright 2013-2016 Denis Meyer [3]
[1] http://jquery.com, [2] http://www.videojs.com, [3] The BSD 3-Clause License, for more information see <LICENSE.txt>
- Compile Synchronize before using the examples, use Build/examples after compiling
- Download the videos and put them into Build/examples/TYPE/videos
- Downloads
- https://vjs.zencdn.net/v/oceans.mp4
- https://vjs.zencdn.net/v/oceans.webm
- Copies
- examples/plainhtml5/videos/oceans-clip-1.mp4/.webm
- examples/plainhtml5/videos/oceans-clip-2.mp4/.webm
- examples/plainhtml5/videos/oceans-clip-3.mp4/.webm
- examples/videojs/videos/oceans-clip-1.mp4/.webm
- examples/videojs/videos/oceans-clip-2.mp4/.webm
- examples/videojs/videos/oceans-clip-3.mp4/.webm
- examples/plainhtml5/videos/oceans-clip-1.mp4/.webm
- Downloads
Fully supported (and successfully tested):
- Firefox
- 25
W, L
- 25-37
- 25
- Google Chrome
- 27-31
- 27-39
- 27-31
- Chromium
- 27
- 27-36
- 27
- Opera
- 15-18
- 15-26
- 15-18
Not tested:
- Firefox
- 26+
W, L
- 26+
- Chromium
- 28+
- 28+
- Opera
- 19+
- 19+
- Safari
- 7+
- 7+
Mentioned operating systems:
indows 7+,
ac OS X 10.6+,
inux (Ubuntu 12+, CentOS 5+)
- Chrome/Chromium and Opera (15+) [4] only initialize all video displays properly when the video sources are different per video tag [5, 6]
- for the Synchronize.js examples to work you have to download the videos and customize the index.html files.
- some of the events may never be thrown + some of the functions may not be available in the minified production version: Uglify will remove "dead"/unused code
[4] All browsers with the blink engine ( http://www.chromium.org/blink ), [5] see 'example/index_sameVideoSources.html', [6] Chromium bug tracker: https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=326593
To synchronize multiple videos you have to call one function: The first parameter is the number of the master video number (parameter 1 = 0, parameter 2 = 1, ...), the following parameter/s varies/vary:
- The second parameter is a mediagroup ID:
$.synchronizeVideos(masterVideoNumber, mediagroup);
Note: To use mediagroups there has to be just 2 parameters.
- The following parameter(s) is a (are) video ID(s):
$.synchronizeVideos(masterVideoNumber, videoId1, videoId2, ... , videoIdN);
Synchronize.js provides triggers to listen to and listeners to subscribe to. An event documentation can be found at [7]. Subscribe to Synchronize.js events, e.g.:
$(document).on("sjs:allPlayersReady", function(event) {
// All players have been successfully initialized - do something!
Trigger Synchronize.js events, e.g.:
$("#myPlayButton").click(function () {
$(document).trigger("sjs:play", []);
[7] https://github.com/CallToPower/Synchronize.js/blob/master/EVENTS.md
More detailed examples (plain HTML5 and video.js) can be found under "release/examples" after checking out this repository.
$(document).ready(function() {
$(document).on("sjs:allPlayersReady", function(event) {
// All players have been successfully initialized - do something!
// set videoId1 (parameter 1 = 0) as master
// 1. Synchronize via mediagroup
$.synchronizeVideos(0, "mg1");
// 2. Synchronize via IDs
$.synchronizeVideos(0, "example_video_1", "example_video_2", "example_video_3");
<video id="example_video_1" controls width="640" height="264" mediagroup="mg1">
<source src="videos/video_1.mp4" type='video/mp4' />
<source src="videos/video_1.webm" type='video/webm' />
<source src="videos/video_1.ogv" type='video/ogg' />
<video id="example_video_2" controls width="640" height="264" mediagroup="mg1">
<source src="videos/video_2.mp4" type='video/mp4' />
<source src="videos/video_2.webm" type='video/webm' />
<source src="videos/video_2.ogv" type='video/ogg' />
<video id="example_video_3" controls width="640" height="264" mediagroup="mg1">
<source src="videos/video_3.mp4" type='video/mp4' />
<source src="videos/video_3.webm" type='video/webm' />
<source src="videos/video_3.ogv" type='video/ogg' />