Rsvirt is a tool focused in providing a set of shortcuts for libvirt. These shortcuts are aimed to improve our productivity and avoid dealing with tasks like:
- Create VMs based in Copy-On-Write disks
- Attach disks to guests
- Guest's power management
- SSH guests
$ ./bin/rsvirt -h
This CLI tool acts as a wrapper over libvirt.
Similar to other tools like virsh but providing some shortcuts to the
most common tasks, like creating VMs from base images or attaching
several nics to a VM at creation time
rsvirt [command]
Available Commands:
add-disk Adds a disk to a Virtual Machine
completion Generates bash completion scripts
create Create a new Virtual Machine
delete Delete Virtual Machines
help Help about any command
list List Virtual Machines
show Show Virtual Machine information
ssh SSH to Virtual Machine
start Start Virtual Machines
stop Stop Virtual Machines
version Print the version number of rsvirt
-c, --connect string Hypervisor connection URI (default "qemu:///system")
-h, --help help for rsvirt
Use "rsvirt [command] --help" for more information about a command.
This project requires Go to be installed. On OS X with Homebrew you can just run brew install go
Running it then should be as simple as:
$ make
$ make install
$ rsvirt -h
Make sure you have installed the dependencies:
1.9 or later- GNU
3.81 or later libvirt
headers files and librariesgit
make test
Bash completion:
. <(rsvirt completion bash)
ZSH completion:
. <(rsvirt completion zsh)