diff --git a/src/SUMMARY.md b/src/SUMMARY.md
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- [Hire New Employee](templates/HireNewEmployee/HireNewEmployee.md)
+- [CAPM - DevOps](templates/CAPM-DevOps/CAPM-DevOps.md)
# Libraries
- [BTP Icons](libs/latest.md)
diff --git a/src/templates/CAPM-DevOps/CAPM-DevOps.md b/src/templates/CAPM-DevOps/CAPM-DevOps.md
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+# Title
+CAPM - DevOps
+## Description
+How a DevOps process could look like for CAPM apps on SAP BTP.
+### When should I use it?
+- When the company has a DevOps process in place.
+- When automated tests are required and/or have to be enforced.
+- When manually building and deploying applications is not acceptable.
+- When tests and deployments need to produce audit logs.
+### Footnotes
+- HTML5 Application Repository Service can host any web app such as SAP Fiori, Angular, React, Vue, etc.
+- CAPM (Cloud Application Programming Model) apps could be developed in Node.js or Java.
+- Communication between the services should go through the Destination Service, not added to the diagram to simplify it.
+- On-premise solutions could be both SAP and non-SAP.
+- Cloud solutions could be both SAP and non-SAP.
+- SAP Cloud Identity Services is not required to connect to On-premise or Cloud solutions.
+### Examples
+- Developer creates a CAP app with Node.js + SAP Fiori + SAP HANA artefacts.
+- Developer pushes the code to a git repository.
+- SAP BTP CI/CD Service is triggered via a webhook from git.
+- It builds and tests the application.
+- All tests passed, the application is deployed to subaccount QAS.
+## Image
+## Tags / Keywords
+CAP, CAPM, Node.js, Java, cTMS, CICD, DevOps, Business Application Studio
+ [Open Diagram](https://app.diagrams.net/?create=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rsletta/sap_btp_icons_drawio_lib/main/src/templates/CAPM-DevOps/SAPBTP-CAP_DevOps.drawio.xml&clibs=Uhttps://raw.githubusercontent.com/mauriciolauffer/sap_btp_icons_drawio_lib/main/libs/SAP_BTP_Service_Icons_latest.xml)
+## Desktop Client Draw.io
+To use in desktop client use the following link and import with template url:
diff --git a/src/templates/CAPM-DevOps/SAPBTP-CAP_DevOps.drawio.xml b/src/templates/CAPM-DevOps/SAPBTP-CAP_DevOps.drawio.xml
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+++ b/src/templates/CAPM-DevOps/SAPBTP-CAP_DevOps.drawio.xml
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