This is a widget for the Alloy MVC framework of Appcelerator's Titanium platform.
It wraps the NappDrawer module by Mads Møller, which provides a sliding side menu as introduced by Facebook.
Install the NappDrawer module for Android and/or iOS via gitTio:
gittio install dk.napp.drawer -g -p [ios|android]
Install this widget via gitTio:
gittio install nl.fokkezb.drawer
In your
use it like this:
<Window module="xp.ui" role="leftWindow">
<Label>I am left</Label>
<NavigationWindow platform="ios" role="centerWindow">
<Button onClick="toggle">Left</Button>
<Label>I am center</Label>
<Button onClick="toggle">Right</Button>
<View platform="android" role="centerWindow">
<Label>I am center</Label>
<Window module="xp.ui" role="rightWindow">
<Label>I am right</Label>
**NOTE**: You can use `<Require>` or `<Widget>` within the widget, just make sure you set the `role` attribute on the view of the required view and not on the require-tag itself.
In your
use it like this:"#drawer": { openDrawerGestureMode: "OPEN_MODE_ALL", closeDrawerGestureMode: "CLOSE_MODE_MARGIN", leftDrawerWidth: 200 } "Window": { backgroundColor: 'white' }
Any NappDrawer constants can be passed as strings.
In your
use it like this:$; function toggle(e) { var fn = 'toggle' + e.source.title + 'Window'; $.drawer[fn](); }
Any NappDrawer property or method can be get, set or called via the widget, but you can also access the module and instance directly via
For Android, NappDrawer requires to receive views instead of windows. You can use the platform
attribute to add conditional elements like the examples does for the centerView. An easier way to do this is to add a module="xp.ui"
attribute to the <Window>
elements and have a file in app/lib/xp.ui.js
which has:
exports.createWindow = function(args) {
return Ti.UI[OS_IOS ? 'createWindow' : 'createView'](args);
For your convenience, the widget exposes 4 additional methods to ONLY open or close either the left or right window. The NappDrawer module only provides toggle Left/Right Window
and is Left/Right WindowOpen
methods, which of course can be combined to get the same result.
- 1.0.1: Passing through event binding to the drawer instance.
Copyright 2014 Fokke Zandbergen Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.