Implementations of various algorithms used in Numerical Analysis, from root-finding up to gradient descent and numerically solving PDEs.
ab2.m: Implementation of the 2-step Adams-Bashforth method for solving ODEs.
- Current configuration is for the ODE
$y' = 1 + \sin(t)-y$ ,$y(2)=1$
- Current configuration is for the ODE
adamspc.m: Implementation of an Adams 2nd order Predictor-Corrector Method, using the explicit 2-step Adams-Bashforth method and the implicit 2-step Adams-Moulton method
- Current configuration is for the ODE
$y' = 1 + (t-y)^2$ ,$y(2) = 1$ .
- Current configuration is for the ODE
aitken.m: Implementation of Aitken's Delta-Squared Process for Series Acceleration.
- Current configuration is for the sequence
$\left(p_n\right)$ given by$p_n = \sqrt{\frac{1}{3}e^{p_{n-1}}}$ .
- Current configuration is for the sequence
bisection.m: Implementation of Bisection method for finding roots
- Current configuration is for
$f(x) = x + \cos(x)$ in the interval$[-5,5]$ with tolerance$10^{-10}$ .
- Current configuration is for
broyden.m: Implementation of Broyden's Method for finding solutions to nonlinear systems of equations.
- Current configuration is for the system
$\vec{F}(x,y) = (x^2 + y - 11, x + y^2 - 7)$
- Current configuration is for the system
euler.m: Implementation of Euler's method for solving ODes
- Current configuration is for the ODE
$y' = 1 + (t-y)^2$ ,$y(2) = 1$ . Implementations on multiple step sizes are given.
- Current configuration is for the ODE
euler_system.m: Implementation of Euler's Method for solving a system of ODEs.
- Current configuration is for the ODE
$y'' = -\sin(y)$ ,$y(0) = -1$ ,$y'(0) = 0$ .
- Current configuration is for the ODE
fdm.m: Implementation of the Finite Difference method for solving BVPs of the form
$y'' = p(x)y' + q(x)y + r(x)$ with$y\in [a,b]$ ,$y(a) = \alpha$ ,$y(b) = \beta$ .- Current configuration is for the system:
$p(x) = 2$ ,$q(x) = -1$ ,$r(x) = xe^x - x$ , with$a = 0$ ,$b = 2$ ,$y(a) = 0$ ,$y(b) = -4$ .
- Current configuration is for the system:
fdmlaplace.m: Implementation of the Finite Difference Method for solving PDEs that satisfy Laplace's Equation
$u_{xx} + u_{yy} = 0$ - Current configuration is for the boundary conditions
$(x,y)\in [0,1]\times[0,1]$ given by$u(0,y) = \sin(2\pi y)$ ,$u(1,y) = u(x,0) = u(x,1) = 0$ .
- Current configuration is for the boundary conditions
fixed_point_gauss_seidel.m: Fixed point iteration for a system of nonlinear equations but implemented with the Gauss-Seidel Method.
- Current configuration is for the system of equations
$\vec{G}(x,y) = (\sqrt{1-y^2}, \sqrt{\frac{9-5x^2}{21}})$ .
- Current configuration is for the system of equations
fixed_point_system.m: Fixed point iteration for a system of nonlinear equations.
- Current configuration is for the system of equations
$\vec{G}(x,y) = (\sqrt{1-y^2}, \sqrt{\frac{9-5x^2}{21}})$ .
- Current configuration is for the system of equations
fixedptiteration.m: Fixed point iteration method for finding roots
- Current configuration is for the functions:
$g(x) = \pi + \frac{1}{2}\sin(\frac{x}{2})$ ,$g_1(x) = (-2x^2+x+3)^\frac{1}{4}$ ,$g_2(x) = \sqrt{\frac{1}{2}(-x^4+x+3)}$ ,$g_3(x) = \sqrt{\frac{x+3}{x^2+2}}$ , and$g_4(x) = \frac{3x^4+2x^2+3}{4x^3+4x-1}$ .
- Current configuration is for the functions:
leapfrog: Implementation of the leapfrog method for solving ODEs
- Current configuration is for the ODE
$y' = 1 + \sin(t)-y$ ,$y(2)=1$ .
- Current configuration is for the ODE
lshooting.m: Implementation of the Linear Shooting Method for solving BVPs of the form
$y'' = p(x)y' + q(x)y + r(x)$ with$y\in [a,b]$ ,$y(a) = \alpha$ ,$y(b) = \beta$ .- Current configuration is for the system:
$p(x) = 2$ ,$q(x) = -1$ ,$r(x) = xe^x - x$ , with$a = 0$ ,$b = 2$ ,$y(a) = 0$ ,$y(b) = -4$ .
- Current configuration is for the system:
meuler.m: Implementation of the Modified Euler's Method for solving ODEs
- Current configuration is for the ODE
$y' = 1 + (t-y)^2$ ,$y(2) = 1$ . Implementations on multiple step sizes are given.
- Current configuration is for the ODE
modnewton.m: Implementation of a Modified Newton-Raphson method to avoid multiple roots. This is similar to Halley's Method, but instead of using
$\frac{f(x)}{\sqrt{|f'(x)|}}$ like in Halley's method, instead using$\frac{f(x)}{f'(x)}$ .- Current configuration is on the equation
$f(x) = e^x - 1 - x - \frac{x^2}{2}$ .
- Current configuration is on the equation
newton.m: Implementation of the Newton-Raphson method for finding roots.
- Current configuration is on the equation
$f(x) = e^x - 1 - x - \frac{x^2}{2}$ , with tolerance of$10^{-10}$ and initial guess of$p_0 = 1$ .
- Current configuration is on the equation
newtonsys.m: Implementation of the Newton-Raphson method for a system of nonlinear equations.
- Current configuration is for the system
$\vec{F}(x,y) = (x^2 + y - 11, x + y^2 - 7)$ , with an initial guess of$(-0.164, 1)$ .
- Current configuration is for the system
nlshooting.m: Implementation of the Nonlinear Shooting Method for solving BVPs of the form
$y'' = p(x)y' + q(x)y + r(x)$ with$y\in [a,b]$ ,$y(a) = \alpha$ ,$y(b) = \beta$ .- Current configuration is for the system:
$p(x) = 2$ ,$q(x) = -1$ ,$r(x) = xe^x - x$ , with$a = 0$ ,$b = 2$ ,$y(a) = 0$ ,$y(b) = -4$ .
- Current configuration is for the system:
rk4_system.m: Implementation of the 4th order Runge-Kutta method for solving a system of ODEs.
- Current configuration is for the ODE
$y'' = -y$ ,$y(0) = 1$ ,$y'(0) = 0$ .
- Current configuration is for the ODE
secant.m: Implementation of the Secant method for finding roots
- Current configuration is for the function
$f(x) = -x^3-\cos(x)$ with tolerance$10^{-20}$ and a maximum of$100$ iterations with the initial guesses$p_0 =-1$ ,$p_1 = 0$ .
- Current configuration is for the function
spline.m: Building splines with natural boundary conditions.
- Current configuration is for building a cubic spline for the points
$(0.1, -0.62049958), (0.2,-0.28398668), (0.3, 0.00660095), (0.4,0.24842440)$ .
- Current configuration is for building a cubic spline for the points
steepdesc.m: Implementation of Steepest Gradient Descent for solving systems of nonlinear equations.
- Current configuration is for the system
$\vec{F}(x,y) = (x^2 + y - 11, x + y^2 - 7)$ , with an initial guess of$(-0.164, 1)$ .
- Current configuration is for the system