- Set a new MINISHIFT_HOME and copy the content from the USB Drive
export MINISHIFT_HOME=$HOME/minishift_home
cp -rv usb/minishift_home.tar.gz $HOME
tar -xvf $HOME/minishift_home.tar.gz -C $HOME
Copy the proper minishift binary, you have copies on the pendrives.
Start Minishift and apply the addon
./minishift start
./minishift addons apply break-fix
Ensure that you are using the openshift client matching the minishift version, in this case v3.11.0, you have copies on the pendrives.
Wait until all the applications are running
$ oc get pods -n break-fix --as system:admin -l app=manager-app -o jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{.metadata.name}{"\t"}{.status.phase}{"\n"}{end}'
manager-app-1-19jhw Running
$ oc get pods -n demo --as system:admin -l app=demoapp -o jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{.metadata.name}{"\t"}{.status.phase}{"\n"}{end}'
demoapp-1-j4xlx Running