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Lorentz edited this page Oct 15, 2018 · 16 revisions

Backlog grooming

  1. Put idea into "Ideas" column
  2. Discuss idea on next meeting
    • If idea is determined to be relevant in the near term, it gets prioritized and goes into "To do"
    • Otherwise it goes in the ice box

Development flow

  1. Assign yourself to the first free issue in the "To do" column
  2. Drag issue to "In Progress"
  3. Checkout new branch
    • Naming convention: <context>/<prettified-issue-name>-<issue-id> (eg controller/fix-touch-ios-72
  4. Write fabulous code
  5. Ensure correctness
    • Issue resolution behaves as expected
    • No regressions
  6. Push branch to remote
  7. Create pull request with sensible title
  8. Reference issue in description using "closes #<ISSUE>"
  9. Wait for approval
  10. Click "Squash and merge"
  11. Compose a sufficiently descriptive commit message
  12. Click "Confirm squash and merge"
  13. Click "Delete branch"
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