Scrapes the web for reliable http/https proxies and tests them for speed and reliability. Can be used as both a python module and a command line utility. When run as a command line utility, proxies are sent to stdout. When run as a module, it returns a generator.
Check out the project on PyPi at
- Quickly and easily generate a list of reliable http/https proxies
- Usable as a comamnd line utility or a python module
- Can filter for proxies that support SSL
- Can filter for proxies locationed within specific countries
- Can exclude proxies located within specific countries
First, install the following dependencies:
# On Centos/RHEL/Fedora: sudo yum install python-devel libxlt-devel libxml-devel # On Debian/Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install python-dev libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev
Then install grey_harvest using pip as follows:
pip install grey_harvest
We can generate a list of 10 viable proxies with the following command:
# use the -n flag to specify number of proxies to generate grey_harvest -n 10
To select only proxies with SSL enabled, we do this:
# use the -H flag to select only https proxies grey_harvest -n 10 -H
We can use the -a flag to filter for proxies located within a list of specific countries. For example, to choose proxies located within Ukraine, Hong Kong, and the United States, we'd use this:
# use the -a flag to filter by country grey_harvest -a "United States" "Hong Kong" Ukraine -n 10
We can use the -p flag to filter for ports running on specific ports:
# the -p flag to only use proxies that run on port 80 grey_harvest -p 80 -n 10
We can deny proxies located within specific countries by using the -d flag. Proxies located within China are blocked by default as they are often located behind the Great Firewall, and as such tend to be unreliable. This can be changed within's internal configs.:
# use the -d flag to deny proxies located within France and # Germany grey_harvest -d France Germany -n 10 -H
Before diving into the documentation for the grey_harvest library, check out how easily we can generate a list of 20 proxies:
import gray_harvest ''' spawn a harvester ''' harvester = grey_harvest.GreyHarvester() ''' harvest some proxies from teh interwebz ''' count = 0 for proxy in print proxy count += 1 if count >= 20: break
That's it. We now have 20 http/https proxies ready to go.