Guess the number game (Store random number from 1 to 100)
==> Guess the number game ask user What's your guess? If the user entered a random number that is bigger than the correct number will say Your guess is too high!. If the user entered a random number that is smaller than the correct number will say Your guess is too low!. If the user entered the correct number will say Awesome job, you got it!. It allows the user to reset the game at any time they wanted. (Built with HTML, CSS, JavaScript)
DONE : Get user value from input and save it to variable numberGuess
DONE : Generate a random number 1 to 100 and save it to variable correctNumber
DONE : Console whether the guess is too high, too low, or is correct inside playGame function
DONE : Create a function called displayResult to move the logic for if the guess is too high, too low, or correct
DONE : Complete the showYouWon, showNumberAbove, showNumberBelow
DONE : Use the showYouWon... functions within displayResult to display the correct dialog
DONE : Save the guess history in a variable called guess
DONE : Display the guess history using displayHistory() function
DONE : Use the initGame() function to restart the game
TODO : Improve the code efficiency as much as possible