💻Live version: https://saeedmhmoud100.github.io/Full-ecommerce-react/
- enter your email ---> send a code to your Email
- enter the code
- reset Password
- show all user info
- update the your data
- Change Password
- see his/her orders and their status [In Progress, Delivered, paid or not yet]
- view all addresses
- Add a new address
- [update, remove] the address
- show all products that you have added to wishlist
- remove the product from wishlist
- can see his/her own information through the profile page
- can update his/her own information
- change password
- show all users and user's details
- delete the user
- change user role[user or admin]
- show all orders - show order's details - change delivery status [Delivered or not] - change payment status [has paid or not]
- add a new product - view all products - [update or delete] the products
- show all brands - add a new brand - [update or delete] the brand
- show all categories - add a new category - [update or delete] the category
- add a new subCategory - [update or delete] the Category - show all subCategories as a tags - show all main categories followed by its subCategories
- show all coupons - add a new coupon - [update or delete] the coupon
- only the non-logged user can see these pages [login, register, forget password, verify code, reset password ]
- only the logged in user can see these pages [user profile, user all orders, user all address, [add, update] an address, select payment method]
- only the admin can see these pages [admin profile, users management, brands management, categories management, subCategories management, coupons management, all orders, orders details, admin all products, [add,update] a product]
- anyone can see these pages [Home, all categories, all brands, all products, product details, cart, 404, no interntet page]