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Example demonstrates pointer. Pointer allowing you to pass references to values and records within your program. Click here to learn more
func main() {
b := 255
//Saving b's address into variable 'a',
//so 'a' is variable of type pointer to
//the base type that is integer.
var a *int = &b
fmt.Printf("Type of a is %T\n", a)
fmt.Println("address of b is", a)
//Creating pointers using the new function
//new(Type) is a built in function that
//allocates memory and return address of it
size := new(int)
fmt.Printf("Size value is %d, type is %T,
address is %v\n", *size, size, size)
*size = 85
fmt.Println("New size value is", *size)
// by using pointers when handing over function
//parameters you can even manipulate parameters and their origin values
// 170
fmt.Println("New size value is", *size)
// manipulatePointerValue simply just doubles the given input
func manipulatePointerValue(input *int) {
*input = 2 * (*input)
Type of a is *int
address of b is 0x40e020
Size value is 0, type is *int, address is 0x40e024
New size value is 85
New size value is 170