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Demontration: Computing with ideals using Singular (early draft)

Status: this sheet is the script of a brief interactive demo during the :ref:`crm.2017.equivariant-combinatorics`.

Let us define an ideal:

sage: P = QQ['a,b,c,d,e']
sage: P.inject_variables()
Defining a, b, c, d, e

sage: p1 = 3*c^2 - 4*b*d + a*e
sage: p2 = -2*b*c*d + 3*a*d^2 + 3*b^2*e - 4*a*c*e
sage: p3 = 8*b^2*d^2 - 9*a*c*d^2 - 9*b^2*c*e + 9*a*c^2*e + 2*a*b*d*e - a^2*e^2
sage: I = Ideal([p1, p2, p3])

sage: a in I
sage: (p1*a - b * p2)  in I
sage: I.dimension()

The calculations are actually carried out by Singular. Many more advanced features are not directly exposed in Sage, in which case one need to call singular directly. Here we follow the instructions from Singular's manual to compute a free resolution of this ideal:

sage: res = I._singular_().mres(0); res

And its Betti numbers:

sage: res.betti()
1     0     0
0     1     0
0     1     0
0     0     1

TODO: explore how to get the nice pretty printing provided by Singular:

sage: res.betti().print("betti")             # todo: not implemented
  File "<ipython-input-19-cd5e12c00f