DataType | Key |
PFobject id | id |
String | Name |
String | Description |
String | Purpose |
String | Org_description |
Number | Project_type |
Number | focus |
String | Area |
String | Adress |
String | Chapter |
Date | Year |
Number | Funds_donated |
Number | Status |
List | Images |
Status type enums are listed at http://www.ashanet.org/projects/status.php
Project type enums are listed at http://www.ashanet.org/projects/project_type.php
Focus type enums are listed at http://www.ashanet.org/projects/focus.php
DataType | Key |
PFobject id | id |
PFobject id | chapter_id |
List | projects |
String | Name |
String | Description |
String | Location |
Date | event_start |
Mapping<String, Currency> | event_pricing |
String | Ticketing Site URL |
List | Images |
The Chapter ID is the closest group that is putting the event on.
The Projects ID list is/are the project(s) which the event is raising funds for.
Event_pricing contains a mapping from user-readable descriptions (eg, "single", "couple", "early bird") to a price estimate. The ticketing site enforces these rules.
DataType | Key |
PFobject id | id |
Currency | donation_amount |
PFobject id | project_id |
PFobject id | chapter_id |
String | receipt_info |
Record of a donation. The project_id will not be set if the donation
was made to the chapter. The "receipt info" should be human readable
reference information, such as the last 4 digits of the card used or
some such; however extra fields should be added to records to
indicate any other information that was received from the payment
provider/library/gateway. Prefix this with the name of the gateway,
eg paypal_txid
or stripe_userid
##Admin / Chapter Representatives
DataType | Key |
PFobject id | Admin_user |
List<Chapter_id> | Admin_chapters |
The Admin table specifies which chapters administrators may create and edit events for.
DataType | Key |
id (PFobject id) | Chapter_id |
String | Name |
The Chapter is a read-only list, for the drop-down menu when making a payment, and for foreign keys for events.