** Project_Case study:
- Preprocessing, Modeling, Model validation and Maintenance in Python
The task at hand for Instacart is two fold.
- Customer Profiling - Understanding the different mix of your customers is the key to any successful business. What are the different customer segments? How do their behaviur patterns differ from each other?
- Customer Targeting - Which segments to target to maximize profitability?
- Product Recommendations - Once you've identified your target customers, what products to recommend?
Prepared PD Model: Fine classing, Weight of evidence, & coarse classing, Information value, Automating calculations, visualizing results, creating dummies [for both Discrete and Continuous data]
Estimated PD Model: Built Logistic regression model with p-values and interpreted the coefficients in the PD model
Validated PD Model: Out-of-sample validation, Evaluated the model performance(Accuracy and AUC), Gini and Kolmogorov-Smirnov
Applied the PD Model for Decision making: Calculated probability of default for a single customer, Create Scorecard, Calculated Credit score, Setting Cut-offs
Monitored the PD Model: Via Assessing population stability, Index preprocessing, calculated & Interpreted
Worked on LGD and EAD Models: Distribution of recovery rates and credit conversion factors
- On LGD Model:
- Prepared the inputs, testes the model, Estimated the accuracy, saved the model, Build Linear regression and evaluated.
- On EAD model:
- Estimated and Interpreted, validated the model, built and updated EAD model
Calculated Expected Loss
Weight of evidence
Information value
Fine classing
Coarse classing
Linear regression
Logistic regression
Area Under the Curve
Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve
Gini Coefficient
Assessing Population Stability
Maintaining a model