This command will let you vote for a proposal to stop a consumer chain using the CLI
- Check the state of the IBC channel used by the CCV protocol. You can see that it is still running because the consumer chain is still running.
interchain-security-pd q ibc channel end $PROV_CHAIN_ID $CHANNEL_ID --home $PROV_NODE_DIR
- See proposals on the blockchain
interchain-security-pd q gov proposals --home $PROV_NODE_DIR
You should see a proposal called "Stop the first consumer", with chain_id: consumer
Check what the proposal_id
is, and input it as PROP_ID
- Now vote for the proposal
interchain-security-pd tx gov vote $PROP_ID yes --from $PROV_KEY \
--keyring-backend test --chain-id $PROV_CHAIN_ID --home $PROV_NODE_DIR -b block -y
Check that your vote was added to the proposals total yes votes:
interchain-security-pd q gov tally 9 --home $PROV_NODE_DIR
Once the voting period is over
- Verify that the proposal passed and check the IBC channel's state again
interchain-security-pd q gov proposal $PROP_ID --home ${PROV_NODE_DIR}
interchain-security-pd q ibc channel end $PROV_CHAIN_ID $CHANNEL_ID --home $PROV_NODE_DIR
It should have been updated to "STATE_CLOSED"
- Check that the consumer chain has stopped
cat ${CONS_NODE_DIR}/logs | grep -m 1 "shutdown consumer chain since it is not secured anymore"
You will see where the consumer chain stopped itself once the channel was closed. For example: 4:46PM ERR CCV channel "channel-0" was closed - shutdown consumer chain since it is not secured anymore