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505 lines (279 loc) · 17.3 KB

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505 lines (279 loc) · 17.3 KB

🎉 1.3.31

🐛 Bug fixes

  1. Fixed issue with onPress not working on elements just above the chart. See Abhinandan-Kushwaha#497
    It was an issue with the of the chart overflowing and overlapping in case stepHeight was large.

  2. Fixed the issue- showStripOnFocus: height of strip becomes smaller when using overflowTop.

🎉 1.3.30

🐛 Bug fixes

  1. Fixed issue with pointerEvent value: box-none in Pie charts. See Abhinandan-Kushwaha#491 and Abhinandan-Kushwaha#472
  2. Fixed issue with data3 and data4 in Line charts. See Abhinandan-Kushwaha#490
  3. Fixed issue- strip not visible for Line and Area charts having pointerConfig with pointerLabelComponent.

🎉 1.3.29 Major release

✨ Features added-

  1. Added support for Population Pyramid charts!! See Population Pyramid props
  2. Pointer labels will now be rendered on top of the rest of the chart content. Earlier, reference lines sometimes used to appear over the pointer lables, this has been fixed now.
  3. Added the prop referenceLinesOverChartContent for Bar charts.

🐛 Bug fixes

  1. Fixed the issue- LineChart having a single data item and using the prop adjustToWidth caused crashes. See Abhinandan-Kushwaha#484
  2. Fixed issue with data point label getting cropperd. See Abhinandan-Kushwaha#486
  3. Fixed the issue- Reference line overlapping the tooltip. See Abhinandan-Kushwaha#476

🎉 1.3.28

🐛 Minor bug fixes with pointerEvents in Pie charts and yAxisExtraHeight with pointerLabelComponent in Bar and Line charts. See Abhinandan-Kushwaha#472 and Abhinandan-Kushwaha#467 (comment)

🎉 1.3.27

✨ Features added-

  1. Added support for mix of positive + negative values in Stacked Bar charts. Thanks to Christoph who added this feature through his PR- Abhinandan-Kushwaha#470
  2. Added the prop yAxisExtraHeight for extra length of Y axis at the top. Default value is 1/20th of the chart height.
  3. Added the prop inwardExtraLengthForFocused. This allows us to render donut charts whose focused section grows inwards. See Abhinandan-Kushwaha#325

🐛 Bug fixes

  1. Earlier, charts used to have an extra length of Y axis equal to sectionHeight/2 at the top. Due to this, charts' height used to change along with sectionHeight. Fixed this by making the default value of yAxisExtraHeight to a constant value which equals 1/20th of the chart height. See Abhinandan-Kushwaha#467
  2. Fixed the issue with getPointerProps which threw a warning - Cannot update a component (xxx) while rendering a different component (yyy). See facebook/react#22633

🎉 1.3.26

🐛 Minor bug fixes with stripΒehindBars and initialPointerIndex for Bar charts. See Abhinandan-Kushwaha#410 (comment) and Abhinandan-Kushwaha#410 (comment)

🎉 1.3.25

✨ Features added-

  1. Added the property zIndex to referenceLine1Config, referenceLine2Config and referenceLine3Config. See Abhinandan-Kushwaha#310

  2. Added stripBehindBars property to pointerConfig for Bar charts. See Abhinandan-Kushwaha#410 (comment)

  3. Added the trimYAxisAtTop prop for Bar and Line charts. See Abhinandan-Kushwaha#461

  4. showValuesAsTopLabel now shows the sum of stack item values at top of each stack. See Abhinandan-Kushwaha#446

  5. Added the property resetPointerOnDataChange to pointerConfig for Line charts. The default value of resetPointerOnDataChange is true. See Abhinandan-Kushwaha#456

🐛 Bug fixes

  1. Fixed issue with overflowTop. See Abhinandan-Kushwaha#453 (comment)

  2. Fixed issue with stackBorderRadius. See Abhinandan-Kushwaha#354 (comment) and Abhinandan-Kushwaha#354 (comment)

🎉 1.3.24

✨ Features added-

  1. Added pointerConfig support to Stacked Bar charts.

  2. Added barBorderWidth and barBorderColor to Bar charts.

  3. Added separate spacing for Line charts inside BarCharts. The line rendered in a Bar chart can have its own spacing value independent from the spacing of the bars. It can be set using the spacing property in the lineConfig object.

  4. Added these props to apply border radius to Stacked Bar charts-

  • stackBorderRadius
  • stackBorderTopLeftRadius
  • stackBorderTopRightRadius
  • stackBorderBottomLeftRadius
  • stackBorderBottomRightRadius

🐛 Bug fixes

  1. Fixed the issue - initial pointer appearing at top for the second data line. See Abhinandan-Kushwaha#453

🔨 Refactor

Merged ThreeDBar and AnimatedBar codes to make a single file named AnimatedThreeDBar

🎉 1.3.23

✨ Features added-

  1. Added the props- showValuesAsTopLabel, topLabelContainerStyle and topLabelTextStyle to Bar charts. See Abhinandan-Kushwaha#99 (comment)

  2. Added the prop highlightedRange to render the parts of lines lying in a given data range with a different style (color, thickness,type). See

type HighlightedRange = {
  from: number;
  to: number;
  color?: string | ColorValue;
  thickness?: number;
  strokeDashArray?: Array<number>;
  1. Added the property pointerEvents to the pointerConfig object. If you have a Pressable / Touchable item in your pointerLabelComponent, then you should set pointerEvents to 'auto' inside the pointerConfig object. See Abhinandan-Kushwaha#447

🐛 Bug fixes

  1. Fixed the issue - Unwanted Spacing below the charts.See Abhinandan-Kushwaha#448

Versions 1.3.20 and 1.3.21 and 1.3.22 were mistakes and reverts...

🎉 1.3.19

✨ Features added-

  1. Added support for dynamic number of lines with the help of the dataSet prop. We can now pass an array of data instead of using data, data2, data3 etc.
  2. Added property formatYLabel to the secondaryYAxis, so we can now format the labels of the secondary Y-Axis using formatYLabel. See Abhinandan-Kushwaha#442

🐛 Bug fixes

  1. Fixed issue with Pie charts having all zero values. See Abhinandan-Kushwaha#443

🎉 1.3.18

✨ Features added-

  1. Added support for line segments in Line and Area charts. See Abhinandan-Kushwaha#432 (comment)
  2. Added support for 2 line charts inside Bar chart using the lineData2 and lineConfig2 props. See Abhinandan-Kushwaha#440

🐛 Bug fixes

  1. Fixed issue with step chart edge position. Added a prop named edgePosition. See Abhinandan-Kushwaha#438

🎉 1.3.17

✨ Features added-

  1. Added support for Step charts. To render a step chart, just pass the prop stepChart to the <LineChart> component.
    See Abhinandan-Kushwaha#438

  2. Added the properties- initialPointerIndex, initialPointerAppearDelay, and persistPointer to the pointerConfig object. See Abhinandan-Kushwaha#427

  3. Added support for customizing individual / specific rules in charts using the prop rulesConfigArray. See Abhinandan-Kushwaha#432 (comment)

  4. Added 2 new props- xAxisLabelsHeight and xAxisLabelsVerticalShift. Here's a brief description of the use case of these props-

The height of X axis labels container is computed automatically. Sometimes you may need to explicitly provide the height of X-axis labels container. An example case is when the font size of label texts is large. Use the `xAxisLabelsHeight`` prop if the labels appear cropped from bottom.

Note- Using the xAxisLabelsHeight prop may shift the X axis labels up or down, making the label text overlap with the chart content. In such a case you can use the `xAxisLabelsVerticalShift`` prop to adjust the vertical position of X axis labels.

See Abhinandan-Kushwaha#433

🐛 Bug fixes

  1. Fixed issue- Pie charts get distorted when one value is non-zero and rest values are zero. See Abhinandan-Kushwaha#436

  2. Fixed issue with programmatically changing focus does in Pie and Donut charts. See Abhinandan-Kushwaha#428

🎉 1.3.16

🐛 A minor bug fix. See Abhinandan-Kushwaha#422 (comment)

🎉 1.3.15

🐛 A minor bug fix. See Abhinandan-Kushwaha#424

🎉 1.3.14

✨ Features added-

  1. Added support for Multicolor Line charts. See Abhinandan-Kushwaha#251
    These props will help to render multicolor line-
lineGradient?: boolean;
lineGradientComponent?: () => any;
lineGradientId?: string;
lineGradientDirection?: string;
lineGradientStartColor?: string;
lineGradientEndColor?: string;


  1. Added support for custom gradient in area charts using the props areaGradientComponent and areaGradientId

🐛 Bug fixes

  1. Fixed issue- pointerConfig on Bar chart was jaggy

🎉 1.3.13

✨ Features added-

  1. Added the formatYLabel prop. The user can now pass a callback function that takes the label generated by the library and modifies it. The modified label returned by the callback function will be finally rendered along the Y-axis. See Abhinandan-Kushwaha#22

🐛 Bug fixes

  1. Fixed the issue where tooltip was not rendered in Bar charts that use showLine prop. Also, bars were not clickable with showLine and lineBehindBars={false}. See Abhinandan-Kushwaha#411

🎉 1.3.12

✨ Features added-

  1. Added pointerConfig behaviour to Bar charts. See Abhinandan-Kushwaha#410

🐛 Bug fixes

  1. Fixed issue with pointerConfig. See Abhinandan-Kushwaha#177
  2. Added types to util functions. See Abhinandan-Kushwaha#379

🎉 1.3.11

🐛 Bug fixes

  1. Fixed some typescript issues. See Abhinandan-Kushwaha#269 (comment)
  2. Fixed issue with the 4th curve of curved area charts. See Abhinandan-Kushwaha#402
  3. Fixed Abhinandan-Kushwaha#406

🎉 1.3.10

🐛 Bug fixes

Fixed issue where a zero value was omitted in Pie chart. See Abhinandan-Kushwaha#401

🎉 1.3.9

🐛 Bug fixes

  1. focusedDataPointLabelComponent now appears above other UI elements, as it is now given a zIndex of 1000. See Abhinandan-Kushwaha#396
  2. Fixed issue with the position of verticalLines when hideYAxisText is set to true.

🔨 Refactor

  1. replaced JSON.parse(JSON.stringify()) with custom deepClone method (added in utils). It fixed this issue- Abhinandan-Kushwaha#397

🎉 1.3.8

✨ Features added-

  1. Added the property named isSecondary in the lineConfig object see Abhinandan-Kushwaha#392
  2. Replaced the prop verticalLinesType with verticalLinesStrokeDashArray

🐛 Bug fixes

Fixed issue with secondary Y axis position (it was shifting towards right earlier)

🎉 1.3.7

✨ Features added-

  1. Added the prop scrollEventThrottle (only for iOS) see - default value is 0
  2. exposed secondaryDataItem in pointerLabelComponent see Abhinandan-Kushwaha#388

🐛 Bug fixes

Fixed issue with adjustToWidth (Now if you pass the adjustToWidth prop, your chart will take the screen width automatically)

🎉 1.3.6

✨ Features added-

  1. secondary Y axis for charts with negative values
  2. Line chart inside stacked bar chart

🔨 Refactor

minValue is now renamed to mostNegativeValue to avoid confusion

🐛 Bug fixes

  1. Fixed issue with roundToDigits for Y axis labels. Now we add trailing 0s after decimal point if needed. So if the Y axis label is 1.5 and we have roundToDigits={2}, then the label rendered will be 1.50
  2. Fixed Y axis label issue which displayed NaN as a label when we used yAxisOffset and yAxisLabelTexts props together.

🎉 1.3.5

🐛 Minor bug fixes

🎉 1.3.4 Major release

✨ Features added-

1. Y axis on both sides

Added the secondaryYAxis prop to render a secondary Y axis on the right side of the chart. Earliear we were able to render the Y axis either on the left or on the right side, not both.

2. secondaryData and secondaryLineConfig (in Line and Area charts)

In addition to data2, data3, etc, now we have the secondaryData prop. This is done to reference the second line to the secondary Y axis.

3. scrollRef

In Bar, Line and Area charts, we can access the ScrollView using the scrollRef prop. You just need to create a ref using React.useRef() and pass it into the scrollRef prop. The most common use of scrollRef is to scroll to a given position, and to fire the scroll on an event like a button press.

4. scrollToIndex

In Bar, Line and Area charts, we can scroll to any given index using the scrollToIndex prop.

5. RTL horizontal charts

To render a horizontal Bar chart from right to left, pass the rtl prop along with the horizontal prop.

6. curveType and curvature

Now, we support 2 types of curves-

  1. Cubic bezier curve
  2. Quadratic bezier curve

The default curveType is cubiz bezier curve. To change it to quadratic, pass the prop curveType={CurveType.QUADRATIC}

curvature takes a value between 0 and 1. The default curvature value is 0.2
curvature works only for cubic bezier curves. When curvature value is 0, the curve becomes straight line.

7. showValuesAsDataPointsText

In Line and area charts, we can pass the showValuesAsDataPointsText prop to display the value of the data points.

8. Animation in stacked Bar chart

The isAnimated prop is now supported in stacked bar charts.

9. endSpacing

Similar to the initialSpacing we now have a prop named endSpacing as well.

10. overflowBottom

Similar to the overflowTop we now have a prop named overflowBottom as well, but it makes sense only for line and area charts. It gives extra space at the bottom of the chart to make room for dataPoints or dataPointText.

🐛 Fixes

1. Support for expo ❤️

The library used to break when used in an expo project. This was perhaps due to version conflicts in react-native-svg. We have now moved both react-native-svg and react-native-linear-gradient to peer dependencies. This should hopefully fix the issues with expo.

2. Fixed the issue with pointerConfig being jaggy on Android

autoAdjustPointerLabelPosition is now false by default. This should make the Area and Line charts with pointerConfig smooth on Android.