This Python project includes scripts for processing, analyzing, and visualizing CHIP-seq data, specifically in .bed and .bedGraph formats. The main functionalities include data extraction, statistical analysis, and data visualization through histograms and boxplots.
BED File Analyzer This script processes .bed files, calculating various metrics related to the 'Start' and 'End' positions of annotations within the files.
BEDGraph Plotter This script traverses through a specified directory and its subdirectories, searching for .bed files that contain a specific set of labels ("noPeaks", "peakStart", "peakEnd", "peaks"). This script also creates a simple plot of coverage against genomic position from a .bedGraph file. It also includes an example of how to plot a specific region of a .bedGraph file and display its labeled parts.
CHIP-seq Data Visualizer This script traverses through a specified directory and its subdirectories, searching for .bed files. It then processes these files to compute the length of each annotated part and creates a histogram and a boxplot for each label, showcasing the distribution of lengths.