All will have a creation timestamp
➡️ Actual SQL Table config
- username
- password (hashed & salted)
- full name
- admin level (admin / staff / patron / public access catalog)
- only admin can add staff
- staff: checkout, checking, handle fines, catalog books, change status, add/delete/change patrons, complete holds
- patron: can only search own record. Can search catalog, place holds.
- password changed (with no email for sending password changes, the admin will reset the password to a default. The user must change it on next login)
- "createDate"(time stamp when record is created)
One patron can have many library cards.
- id / key
- first name
- last name
- address
- city
- province
- phone
- email (optional)
- birthdate
- (link to list of library cards)
- "createDate"(time stamp when record is created)
- key is barcode: 2xxxxyyyyy : x will be library code (0748) y is sequential number (99,999 cards only)
- patron id (required, liked to Patron file, using foreign key, on delete cascade)
- status (enum: ACTIVE, LOST, EXPIRED)
(out of circulation: if a patron loses his/hers, we can never assign the same barcode to someone else) - expiry date (this will be set for a year from present or from their last birthday)
- "createDate"(time stamp when record is created)
All of these fields are required.
One Bib record can have many holdings/
- id/key (autogenerated)
- title
- author
- pub date
- call number (Dewey Decimal System) [optional]
- subjects [optional] <-- the subjects are all empty for the data that we loaded into Bib.
- createDate (time stamp when record is created)
- barcode = primary key. This will be the same format as the Library Card barcode, but it will begin with a 3 (ie. 30749yyyyy).
- BIB id# (link) <-- this is a foreign key. It cannot be null.
- Patron id# (if checked out) <-- this is a foreign key (linked to Patron ID obviously). It CAN be null. It is not required. Default is null. Note that it is NOT the patron's library card barcode.
- cost <-- Stored in cents. Cannot be null. Required. The above 4 things will be "unsigned int"
- status (link to status list: in, out, lost, discard, repairs, ...) <-- This is a foreign key. It cannot be null. Default is IN
- ckoDate (date). Date that the book was last checked out.
- dueDate (date). Date that book is due (if status = out or lost or CR).
- prevPatron (link). This is the previous patron who had the book out.
media (link to media list: book, DVD, audiobook, ..)_ X No, we do not want this field. We can add it later._language_X No we do not want this field. _- "createDate"(time stamp when record is created)
- code (primary key) varchar(10)
- description (40 chars, varchar)
"code" will be IN, OUT, LOST, DAMAGED, DISCARD, REPAIRS, CR, ...
"description" provides a description of the code. eg. CR = "Claims Returned"
There will only be about 5-10 statuses.