- Upgrade to Phaser 3.16.2.
Fixed pointer problems due to API changes since 3.16.2, related to the dragState property. described in [3.16.1| https://github.com/photonstorm/phaser/releases/tag/v3.16.1] release notes.
- Upgrade to Phaser 3.15.
- Fixed global reference to game object causing undefined errors.
- Upgrade to Phaser 3.1.2.
- Fixed import and export buttons by correcting callback function reference. Fix #1 (thanks @FeH9).
- @FeH9
- Upgrade to Phaser 3.1.1.
- Integrate Phaser 3.1.1 Camera API.
- Added snap button to toggle grid snapping.
- Added toggle button class.
- Switch to ES6 classes.
- refactor place() function.
- Integrate ES6 plugin API.
- Update to Phaser 3.10.1
- Integrate API changes.
- Added a Menu class (container).
- Remove obsolete pointer override code.
- Update to Phaser 3.8.0.
- Integrate API changes.
- Added ES5 Branch.
- Fixed issue where middle mouse button press would place A point.
- Fixed issue where right mouse button press would undo A placement.
- Added Scene explorer.
- Added reset view button.
- Added camera zooming using mouse scroll.
- Added mouse cursors for UX.
- Update to Phaser 3.6.0.
- Added DOM mousewheel scroll.
- Right mouse button for selection.
- Middle mouse button for hand tool.
- Duplicate tween previews.
- Added main scene pause resume buttons.
- Update to Phaser 3.3.0
- UI aligned with canvas size.
- Fixed issue with preview button calling .start instead of .startFollow.
- Added curve undo option.
- Pointer selection becomes inactive when moving away from menu.
- Fixed issue where preview crashed after clearing path.
- Fixed issue where Spline was not drawn after clearing path.
- Fixed issue where Ellipse was not drawn when placing.
- Unwanted curve when entering select mode fixed.
- Snap holding S key.
- Clear path option.