EPUB 3 file that uses media queries to identify which iBooks platform is in use.
Download the file ibooks_ereader_detector.epub and load to iBooks for iPhone/iPad/Desktop. iBooks will display text indicating which of these platforms is in use, and (when possible) whether iBooks is in portrait, landscape, or two-up mode, e.g.
You are likely reading this ebook
- On iBooks for iPad
- In portrait mode
See epub.css file for annotated list of media queries used. Please feel free to make issues to report bugs and submit pull requests to suggest improvements
ibooks_ereader_detector.epub has been tested on the following platforms:
- iBooks 4 for iPad 3 Retina
- iBooks 4 for iPhone 5S
- iBooks Desktop for Mac on MacBook Pro Retina
Acknowledgments to Derrick Schultz and Liza Daly for their work and reports regarding testing media queries for iBooks.