This repo contains scripts for loading DICOM images of a diffusion-weighted (DWI) MRI sequence and comparing quantitative Apparent Diffusion Coefficient (ADC) maps to a benchmark sequence. Benchmarking is performed in the NIST diffusion phantom.
Please see the "EXAMPLE" scripts for detailed walk-through of pre-processing and analysis workflows.
- Load DICOMS - may be single- or multi-echo, 2D or 3D, radial or cartesian, multiple b-values
- Use point-and-click interface to select phantom vials and create ROIs for quantitative analysis.
- Perform rigid intensity-based registration to register phantom to benchmark images.
- Select a subset of DWI images to compare to the benchmark based on imaging parameters such as pulse prep, TR, acquisition date, and phantom orientation.
- Calculate ADC of all voxels in vial ROIs and their summary statistics in all subset images and benchmark image. Choose parameters such as how many and which b-values to include in the ADC fit.
- Compare subset images to the benchmark with Box-and-Whisker plots, Pearson's correlation plots, and root-mean-square-error.