a tui snake game made with rust
Usage: snake [OPTIONS]
--width <SIZE> Width of the game area [default: 30]
--height <SIZE> Height of the game area [default: 20]
-s, --speed <SPEED> Movement speed of the snake [default: 10]
-x, --head-x <COORD> Initial x coordinate of the snake's head [default: 3]
-y, --head-y <COORD> Initial y coordinate of the snake's head [default: 3]
-l, --length <LENGTH> Initial length of the snake [default: 3]
-d, --dir <DIRECTION> Initial direction of the snake [default: right] [possible values: left, right, up, down]
--no-border Disable borders
--self-play Run the game in self playing mode
-p, --path-alg <ALG> Shortest path algorithm used for self playing mode [default: bfs] [possible values: astar, bfs]
-h, --help Print help information
- Hamilton Solver Implementation (https://github.com/chuyangliu/snake/blob/master/docs/algorithms.md#hamilton-solver)