spielwerk is a sequencer for monome norns + crow (arc optional) providing two independent euclidean rhythms and two CVs, that are derived from these rhythms.
this is a work in progress, so handle with care..
- enc 1: navigate
- enc 2: set pulses for active euclidean sequence
- enc 3: set steps for active euclidean sequence
- hold key 1 + enc 1: set bpm for active cv/euclidean sequence
- output 1: cv sequence 1, generated from the three euclidean rhythms
- output 2: triggers for euclidean rhythm 1
- output 3: triggers for euclidean rhythm 2
- output 4: cv sequence 2, generated from the three euclidean rhythms
arc displays the two cv values on ring 1 and 4, and the euclidean sequences on ring 2 and 3.
- encoder: change bpm for sequence
- norns key 2 + encoder: change pulses for euclidean sequence
- norns key 3 + encoder: change steps for euclidean sequence
if you have a mannequins just friends connected to crow via ii, you can activate sequencing for just friends in the parameters menu.