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135 lines (95 loc) · 5.29 KB

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135 lines (95 loc) · 5.29 KB


  • @impl GenServer attribute is included for all autogenerated callback functions.


  • removed Elixir 1.4 warnings
  • Bugfix: export: __MODULE__ didn't work in operations macros


  • fix compund matches with structs


  • Bugfix: support compound matches
  • Bugfix: support ExActor macros from other macros


  • Support interface & handler specific guards (see docs for details)
  • Remove warnings on Elixir 1.1


  • Bugfix: pattern matching on nil state didn't work properly


  • Relaxed Elixir version dependency to ~> 1.0
  • Bugfix: Proper lineno generation in client code.
  • Improve pattern matching handling (see docs for details)


  • Added parameterizable timeout in calls (see docs for defcall)


  • Fixed the docs link in mix.exs


New features

  • defstart macro which simplifies definition of starters.
  • defmulticall and defabcast macros for distributed support.
  • defhandlecall, defhandlecast, and defhandleinfo for implementation of handlers only
  • default arguments can be specified via \\
  • defcall and defcast can be called without specifying the body
  • Support for timeout and hibernate replies.

Breaking changes

  • Pattern matching now works on interface functions as well (previously it was done only in handler functions).
  • Starter functions are not automatically generated anymore. You can use defstart macro to create them.
  • When calling use ExActor.* options :initial_state, and :starters are not available anymore.
  • definfo is renamed to defhandleinfo
  • Option export: false is not available in defcall and defcast. If you want to implement just handlers, use defhandle*

Migration from 1.0

For migration examples, check here and here

A non exhaustive list of changes you may have to do in your project:

  • Add explicit starters via defstart. If you need to support start and start_link, you can do it like this:
defstart start(x, y)
defstart start_link(x, y) do
  # initialization runs for both start/2 and start_link/2
  • Replace all definit with defstart if possible, or use body-less defstart with an explicit definit.
  • If you used initial_state, set the state explicitly in defstart.
  • Replace definfo with defhandleinfo.


  • migrated to Elixir 1.0.0


  • migrated to Elixir 1.0.0-rc1
  • introduced defcastp and defcallp (see docs for more details)


  • migrated to Elixir v0.15.0


  • migrated to Elixir v0.14.0
  • various internal refactorings (API and behavior remain unchanged)


  • migrated to Elixir v0.13.3 (backwards incompatible with earlier versions)
  • add name option to allow dynamic specification of registered alias while starting
  • make autogenerated start functions overridable
  • add starters: false option to allow omitting generated start functions
  • add support for export: {:via, module, name}
  • migrate to new GenServer


  • adapted to Elixir v0.13.1 (backwards compatible with 0.13.0)


  • "dummy" empty version due to Hex limitations


  • removed implicit "smart" returns
  • removed default use ExActor


  • migrated to Elixir v0.13.0


This version introduces some significant changes. If you don't want to incorporate them, there is a tag for 0.1. Keep in mind that I won't maintain the 0.1, so your best option is to fork it and maintain it yourself.

On the plus side, the migration to the new version should not be very complicated (unless you're relying on tuple modules support). Here are quick pointers for migrating from old API to the new one:


The point of predefines is to make the decision about default implementations explicit. Earlier, you used use ExActor and the default implementation was implicit. Now you have to decide which implementation do you want, or you can easily make your own. If you want to keep the status quo, just use use ExActor.GenServer.

Deprecated implicit "smart" returns

definit do: some_state                  # deprecated
definit do: initial_state(some_state)

defcall op, do: response                # deprecated
defcall op, do: reply(response)

defcast op, do: :ok                     # deprecated
defcast op, do: noreply

definfo msg, do: :ok                    # deprecated
definfo msg, do: noreply

Beside these "special" responses, you can use standard gen_server responses. The reason for this change was again to make things more explicit, and aligned with standard gen_server approach.

Dropped tuple modules support

There's no way around this - if you use ExActor tuple modules support, you need to change the code to classical functional approach, or remain on version 0.1. The tuple modules support was more a hack, to make some code in blog articles more OO-ish. In hindsight, this was a mistake that made the ExActor code more complicated, so I decided to drop it.