The "Create Listing Of Directory CLOD" Custom Step provides a full listing of what is all in a directory. Just chooose the parent/root directory and CLOD will create a dataset that then can be used for further processing.
The structure of the output table is as follows:
- DIRECTORY_PATH: path of the object found
- FILE_NAME: object name (is either a file or a directory)
- OBJECT_TYPE: when the option "INCLUDES_DIRECTORY_IN_OUTPUT" is set to YES, then this field is included and is either set to "folder" or "file", depending on object type.
- IS_IN_SAS_CONTENT_FLAG: is either 0 (if object is found in SAS Server) or 1 (if object is found in SAS Content)
Provide the top level directory that CLOD should use to start looking for files and subfolders. CLOD will then traverse through the whole directory structure and find all the files and folders below this top level directory.
If the root directory is in the SAS Server area, this has to start out with: sasserver: (e.g. example value for root_directory: sasserver:/mnt/desired/path/for/files_to_be_readin/from/SASServer/).
If the root directory is in the SAS Content area, this has to start out with: sascontent: (e.g. example value for root_directory: sascontent:/Public/desired_path_for/files/in/SASContent/).
Default value: *
if * is provided, all files are captured in the output. Otherwise, any text string can provided, which will be used as a filter for the ending of the files. So only files will be captured that fall into this filter.
This can be any existing library accessible to SAS Studio. If it is a CASLIB, the table will NOT be promoted or saved to disk. If that is desired, this would need to happen outside the custom step.
Provide the output table name.
Suggested default value: Yes (1)
If Yes is selected, CLOD will traverse all directories that can be found under directory provided in "Root Directory" parameter. If No is selected, CLOD will only look for files in selected directory.
Suggested default value: "Files Only" (0)
If "Files Only" is selected, the output dataset only contains files that could be found. If "Folders + Files" (1) is selected, the output dataset contains the folder names and the file names. If "Folders Only" (2) is selected, the output dataset only contains the names of the folders that could be found.
Suggested default value: No (0) This selection is only applied if selected target library is a CAS library. If No is selected, the table is not promoted and stays only active for the local session. If Yes is selected, CLOD will promote the table.
Suggested default value: No (0) This selection is only applied if selected target library is a CAS library and output table is promoted. If No is selected, the table is not saved on disk. If Yes is selected, CLOD will save table on disk and make it persistent.
Suggested default value: No (0)
If set to 1, CLOD writes out more information out to the log, that might be helpful for further investigations.
If set to 0, CLOD just writes out the default SAS log output, depending on the settings of the options mprint, source and notes.
suggested default value: empty/missing.
This parameter is only relevant when the parameter "WRITE_LOG_INTO_FILE_UI" is set to 1.
Provide a default path for all runs: as soon as a path is provided, this path is being used for ALL runs.
If the log directory is in the SAS Server area, this has to start out with: sasserver: (e.g. example value for provide_default_log_path: sasserver:/mnt/desired/path/for/log_files_to_be_saved/on/SASServer/).
If the log directory is in the SAS Content area, this has to start out with: sascontent: (e.g. example value for provide_default_log_path: sascontent:/Public/desired_path_for/logfiles/in/SASContent/).
Suggested default value: No (0)
If set to 0, log is written into default SAS log location.
If set to 1, log is written to location as provided under the parameter "LOG_FILE_PATH_UI".
Provide options to be applied for this run (only single options allowed like mprint, nosource, etc). - OPTIONS_SEQ_UI
If provided those options will be applied to the execution of the code.
Tested with 2020.1.5
If you are happy with all the default settings, only adjust the parameters in the "Essentials" tab, e.g. select the fully automated mode (1) and provide the top level directory either from within SAS Server or now also from SAS Content (here only CSV or TXT files are processed in the fully automated mode) and click "Run" to start the journey.
- Version 3.1.2 (25SEP2024):
- beautify the About section where all the parameters are described. Navigation is now much easier and parameter easier to find.
- increase length of internal directory variable to handle very deep directories (from 1024 to 4096), also adding k functions where appropriate
- Version 3.1.1 (05SEP2024):
- fixing an issue when folders are not shown when traversing is set to no and displaying directories is set to yes.
- adding functionality to select between the 3 following output styles: Files Only/Folders Only/Folders + Files
- Version 3.1 (14SEP2022)
- published on GitHub