The GE - Run Expectation Suite custom step enables SAS Studio Flow users to utilize Python Great Expectations (GE) to compare datasets based on the expectation suites created by the GE - Generate Expectation Suite custom step. This custom step requires the output files of the GE - Generate Expectation Suite step (an expectation suite .json file and a data context .yml file), and the location where these are stored. This step returns a series of six tables reporting on how the input data preformed against the expectation suite.
- Tested on Viya version Stable 2023.04.
- Python's great_expectatons library version v0.16.8 or after.
- Python's pandas library version 1.5.3.
- Python's json library.
- Python's os library.
- Python's numpy library version 1.23.5.
- Python's datetime library.
- The output .json expectation suite file from running GE - Generate Expectation Suite
- The output great_expectations.yml file from running GE - Generate Expectation Suite
- This Custom Step requires that Python be deployed and available in your SAS environment. The easiest way to achieve this is to enable and configure sas-pyconfig job which also brings along the GE package, following the steps indicated in this article.
- Alternatively, one can run this custom step by first pip installing Python and GE. Follow the steps below to get GE into your environment:
import pip
import os
Use the following code to get example data sets for use with the GE - Generate Expectation Suite and GE - Run Expectation Suite custom steps.
/* create example data for rule generation and rule execution */
/* Example data sets will be created from */
/* set values for training and validation */
%let propTrain = 0.7; /* proportion of training data */
%let propValid = 0.3; /* proportion of validation data */
/* create a separate data set for each role */
data Train Validate;
array p[2] _temporary_ (&propTrain, &propValid);
set Sashelp.Cars;
call streaminit(12); /* set random number seed */
/* RAND("table") returns 1, 2, or 3 with specified probabilities */
_k = rand("Table", of p[*]);
if _k = 1 then output Train;
else if _k = 2 then output Validate;
drop _k;
*/ Train should be used with GE - Generate Expecation Suite */
*/ Validate should be used with GE - Run Expectation Suite */
- Folder selector: Select the directory where the expectation suite .json and the great_expectations.yml files output by the GE - Generate Expectation Suite custom step are stored.
- Expectation suite name: The name of the expectation suite that should be used, omitting the file extension .json, so if the expectation suite has been saved as taxi_exp.json the custom step expects an input of taxi_exp.
- Suite report: Summary of statistics on how the data performed against the expectation suite (number of expectation evaluated, number of expectations passed, number of expectations failed, percent success).
- Good expectations: Summary of which expectations (and their corresponding columns) that were successful.
- Bad expectations: Summary of which expectations (and their corresponding columns) that were unsuccessful.
- Good records: Contains records that meet the expectation suite's criteria.
- Bad records: Contains records that do not meet the expectation suite's criteria.
- Exceptions: Details statistics of the failed records and what rules have failed.
- Version 1.1 (19OCT2023)
- Removed unsupported sd2df parameters, added in clear statements to keep user directory clean
- Version 1.0 (12OCT2023)
- Initial version