This file is a collection of all my programs and basic projects that has been done in c++ in my 12th standard. This file contains all the program from basics to linked list to stl/binaryfiles This was started in year 2018 and completed in 2019. A full set of data structures and algorithm has been implimented throughout.
It is simple c++ language program using binary that has used class, arrays, linked list, Linear Sort for searching and it is linked to a binary file to store all the data. In this you can insert,search and display the values stored in the binary file. class item is used as the parent class.
Functions outside class that are linked to file. readfile(); -> to read the data from the file. writefile(); -> to write the data into the file. searchbyno(); ->to search by item number in the file. searchbyname(); ->to search by item name in the file.
It is a c++ laguage program using binary file. In this transfering the data of the file is the main highlight. A personalised file has been created and data according to the need has been transferred into another file for storage. FILE CONTAINS OBJECT OF CLASS DRINK Functions: 1-READ THE CONTENS 2-WRITE THE CONTENTS 3-SEARCH THE CONTENT 4- COPY ONLY THOSE RECORDS WHOSE PRICE IS MORE THAN 10 TO MYDRINK.DAT. 5- DISPLAY CONTENTS OF MYDRINKS.DAT
A c++ program for Library management to get the data and display with additional feature of modify the data for the price up and down. A binary file is used to store the data. Dynamically data has been stored for read and write . Aditionally modify has also been created for further modification in the data.