diff --git a/api-reports/2_12.txt b/api-reports/2_12.txt index 45b5aac0..b07d25bd 100644 --- a/api-reports/2_12.txt +++ b/api-reports/2_12.txt @@ -16501,7 +16501,6 @@ MathMLElement[JC] def addEventListener[T <: Event](`type`: String, listener: js. MathMLElement[JC] def after(nodes: Node | String*): Unit MathMLElement[JC] def append(nodes: Node | String*): Unit MathMLElement[JC] def appendChild(newChild: Node): Node -MathMLElement[JC] var arg: String MathMLElement[JC] def attachShadow(init: ShadowRootInit): ShadowRoot MathMLElement[JC] def attributes: NamedNodeMap MathMLElement[JC] var autofocus: Boolean @@ -16510,8 +16509,8 @@ MathMLElement[JC] def before(nodes: Node | String*): Unit MathMLElement[JC] def childElementCount: Int MathMLElement[JC] def childNodes: NodeList[Node] MathMLElement[JC] def children: HTMLCollection[Element] -MathMLElement[JC] var `class`: String MathMLElement[JC] var classList: DOMTokenList +MathMLElement[JC] var className: String MathMLElement[JC] def clientHeight: Int MathMLElement[JC] def clientLeft: Int MathMLElement[JC] def clientTop: Int @@ -16520,9 +16519,7 @@ MathMLElement[JC] def cloneNode(deep: Boolean?): Node MathMLElement[JC] def closest(selector: String): Element MathMLElement[JC] def compareDocumentPosition(other: Node): Int MathMLElement[JC] def contains(otherNode: Node): Boolean -MathMLElement[JC] var dir: String MathMLElement[JC] def dispatchEvent(evt: Event): Boolean -MathMLElement[JC] var displaystyle: Boolean MathMLElement[JC] def firstChild: Node MathMLElement[JC] def firstElementChild: Element MathMLElement[JC] def getAttribute(name: String): String @@ -16545,7 +16542,6 @@ MathMLElement[JC] var innerText: String MathMLElement[JC] def insertAdjacentElement(position: String, element: Element): Element MathMLElement[JC] def insertAdjacentHTML(where: String, html: String): Unit MathMLElement[JC] def insertBefore(newChild: Node, refChild: Node): Node -MathMLElement[JC] var intent: String MathMLElement[JC] def isConnected: Boolean MathMLElement[JC] def isDefaultNamespace(namespaceURI: String): Boolean MathMLElement[JC] def isEqualNode(arg: Node): Boolean @@ -16557,16 +16553,12 @@ MathMLElement[JC] def localName: String MathMLElement[JC] def lookupNamespaceURI(prefix: String): String MathMLElement[JC] def lookupPrefix(namespaceURI: String): String MathMLElement[JC] def matches(selector: String): Boolean -MathMLElement[JC] var mathbackground: String -MathMLElement[JC] var mathcolor: String -MathMLElement[JC] var mathsize: String MathMLElement[JC] def namespaceURI: String MathMLElement[JC] def nextElementSibling: Element MathMLElement[JC] def nextSibling: Node MathMLElement[JC] def nodeName: String MathMLElement[JC] def nodeType: Int MathMLElement[JC] var nodeValue: String -MathMLElement[JC] var nonce: String MathMLElement[JC] def normalize(): Unit MathMLElement[JC] var onclick: js.Function1[MouseEvent, _] MathMLElement[JC] var oncompositionend: js.Function1[CompositionEvent, _] @@ -16607,7 +16599,6 @@ MathMLElement[JC] def replaceChildren(nodes: Node | String*): Unit MathMLElement[JC] def replaceWith(nodes: Node | String*): Unit MathMLElement[JC] def requestFullscreen(options: FullscreenOptions?): js.Promise[Unit] MathMLElement[JC] def requestPointerLock(): Unit -MathMLElement[JC] var scriptlevel: Int MathMLElement[JC] def scrollHeight: Int MathMLElement[JC] def scrollIntoView(top: Boolean?): Unit MathMLElement[JC] var scrollLeft: Double @@ -16619,11 +16610,10 @@ MathMLElement[JC] def setAttributeNode(newAttr: Attr): Attr MathMLElement[JC] def setAttributeNodeNS(newAttr: Attr): Attr MathMLElement[JC] def setPointerCapture(pointerId: Double): Unit MathMLElement[JC] def shadowRoot: ShadowRoot -MathMLElement[JC] var style: String -MathMLElement[JC] var tabindex: Int +MathMLElement[JC] var style: CSSStyleDeclaration +MathMLElement[JC] var tabIndex: Int MathMLElement[JC] def tagName: String MathMLElement[JC] var textContent: String -MathMLElement[JC] var xmlbase: String MediaDeviceInfo[JT] val deviceId: String MediaDeviceInfo[JT] val groupId: String MediaDeviceInfo[JT] val kind: MediaDeviceKind diff --git a/api-reports/2_13.txt b/api-reports/2_13.txt index 45b5aac0..b07d25bd 100644 --- a/api-reports/2_13.txt +++ b/api-reports/2_13.txt @@ -16501,7 +16501,6 @@ MathMLElement[JC] def addEventListener[T <: Event](`type`: String, listener: js. MathMLElement[JC] def after(nodes: Node | String*): Unit MathMLElement[JC] def append(nodes: Node | String*): Unit MathMLElement[JC] def appendChild(newChild: Node): Node -MathMLElement[JC] var arg: String MathMLElement[JC] def attachShadow(init: ShadowRootInit): ShadowRoot MathMLElement[JC] def attributes: NamedNodeMap MathMLElement[JC] var autofocus: Boolean @@ -16510,8 +16509,8 @@ MathMLElement[JC] def before(nodes: Node | String*): Unit MathMLElement[JC] def childElementCount: Int MathMLElement[JC] def childNodes: NodeList[Node] MathMLElement[JC] def children: HTMLCollection[Element] -MathMLElement[JC] var `class`: String MathMLElement[JC] var classList: DOMTokenList +MathMLElement[JC] var className: String MathMLElement[JC] def clientHeight: Int MathMLElement[JC] def clientLeft: Int MathMLElement[JC] def clientTop: Int @@ -16520,9 +16519,7 @@ MathMLElement[JC] def cloneNode(deep: Boolean?): Node MathMLElement[JC] def closest(selector: String): Element MathMLElement[JC] def compareDocumentPosition(other: Node): Int MathMLElement[JC] def contains(otherNode: Node): Boolean -MathMLElement[JC] var dir: String MathMLElement[JC] def dispatchEvent(evt: Event): Boolean -MathMLElement[JC] var displaystyle: Boolean MathMLElement[JC] def firstChild: Node MathMLElement[JC] def firstElementChild: Element MathMLElement[JC] def getAttribute(name: String): String @@ -16545,7 +16542,6 @@ MathMLElement[JC] var innerText: String MathMLElement[JC] def insertAdjacentElement(position: String, element: Element): Element MathMLElement[JC] def insertAdjacentHTML(where: String, html: String): Unit MathMLElement[JC] def insertBefore(newChild: Node, refChild: Node): Node -MathMLElement[JC] var intent: String MathMLElement[JC] def isConnected: Boolean MathMLElement[JC] def isDefaultNamespace(namespaceURI: String): Boolean MathMLElement[JC] def isEqualNode(arg: Node): Boolean @@ -16557,16 +16553,12 @@ MathMLElement[JC] def localName: String MathMLElement[JC] def lookupNamespaceURI(prefix: String): String MathMLElement[JC] def lookupPrefix(namespaceURI: String): String MathMLElement[JC] def matches(selector: String): Boolean -MathMLElement[JC] var mathbackground: String -MathMLElement[JC] var mathcolor: String -MathMLElement[JC] var mathsize: String MathMLElement[JC] def namespaceURI: String MathMLElement[JC] def nextElementSibling: Element MathMLElement[JC] def nextSibling: Node MathMLElement[JC] def nodeName: String MathMLElement[JC] def nodeType: Int MathMLElement[JC] var nodeValue: String -MathMLElement[JC] var nonce: String MathMLElement[JC] def normalize(): Unit MathMLElement[JC] var onclick: js.Function1[MouseEvent, _] MathMLElement[JC] var oncompositionend: js.Function1[CompositionEvent, _] @@ -16607,7 +16599,6 @@ MathMLElement[JC] def replaceChildren(nodes: Node | String*): Unit MathMLElement[JC] def replaceWith(nodes: Node | String*): Unit MathMLElement[JC] def requestFullscreen(options: FullscreenOptions?): js.Promise[Unit] MathMLElement[JC] def requestPointerLock(): Unit -MathMLElement[JC] var scriptlevel: Int MathMLElement[JC] def scrollHeight: Int MathMLElement[JC] def scrollIntoView(top: Boolean?): Unit MathMLElement[JC] var scrollLeft: Double @@ -16619,11 +16610,10 @@ MathMLElement[JC] def setAttributeNode(newAttr: Attr): Attr MathMLElement[JC] def setAttributeNodeNS(newAttr: Attr): Attr MathMLElement[JC] def setPointerCapture(pointerId: Double): Unit MathMLElement[JC] def shadowRoot: ShadowRoot -MathMLElement[JC] var style: String -MathMLElement[JC] var tabindex: Int +MathMLElement[JC] var style: CSSStyleDeclaration +MathMLElement[JC] var tabIndex: Int MathMLElement[JC] def tagName: String MathMLElement[JC] var textContent: String -MathMLElement[JC] var xmlbase: String MediaDeviceInfo[JT] val deviceId: String MediaDeviceInfo[JT] val groupId: String MediaDeviceInfo[JT] val kind: MediaDeviceKind diff --git a/dom/src/main/scala/org/scalajs/dom/MathMLElement.scala b/dom/src/main/scala/org/scalajs/dom/MathMLElement.scala index 35b18335..c2ec2d5a 100644 --- a/dom/src/main/scala/org/scalajs/dom/MathMLElement.scala +++ b/dom/src/main/scala/org/scalajs/dom/MathMLElement.scala @@ -17,22 +17,9 @@ abstract class MathMLElement extends Element { var onfocusin: js.Function1[FocusEvent, _] = js.native var onfocusout: js.Function1[FocusEvent, _] = js.native - /** Corresponds to attribute xml:base on the given element. */ - var xmlbase: String = js.native - var autofocus: Boolean = js.native - var `class`: String = js.native - var dir: String = js.native - var displaystyle: Boolean = js.native - var mathbackground: String = js.native - var mathcolor: String = js.native - var mathsize: String = js.native - var nonce: String = js.native - var scriptlevel: Int = js.native - var style: String = js.native - var tabindex: Int = js.native - - var intent: String = js.native - var arg: String = js.native + var className: String = js.native + var style: CSSStyleDeclaration = js.native + var tabIndex: Int = js.native }