virtualenv --no-site-packages --python python2.7 ~/virtualenvs/download-data
source ~/virtualenvs/download-data/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
See this file to keep track of changes along versions.
./random-select.R is used to select random samples among files. It is stable (it always returns the same results if given the same parameters), and takes as argument:
- path to directory containg log files
- number of log files to draw
Drawn log file names are printed on console.
./random-select.R data 30
Warning! For sampling to work, the number of asked samples must be less or equal than the number of log files for each year.
Log filtering is a python script that produces 1 csv file per log file.
--debug: enables single process execution for easier debugging. Here can be v0.10 for instance.
--minimum-fields: do not export url, geo_coordinates, is_robot, bad_robot fields in csv. Warning! Produced csv cannot be used to build database!
Warning! script does not reprocess files that have already been processed (ie, if files are already present in output dir).
- country ISO code:
docker run -ti --volume $SOURCE_DIR:/source --volume $OUTPUT_DIR:/output yorrick/download-data:$VERSION sh -c '
extract/ \
[--debug] \
[--minimum-fields] \
[--keep-robots] \
[--total-number-threshold 100] \
[--print-stats-for-ip] \
/data/*.log && cat /data/*.log.csv > /data/all.log.csv'
export VERSION=v0.10
export SOURCE_DIR=~/test/download-data-source/
export OUTPUT_DIR=~/test/download-data-output/
docker run -ti --memory="2G" --cpuset-cpus="0-1" --volume $SOURCE_DIR:/source --volume $OUTPUT_DIR:/output yorrick/download-data:$VERSION
cat $OUTPUT_DIR/*.log.csv > $OUTPUT_DIR/all.log.csv
export SOURCE_DIR=~/test/download-data-source/
export OUTPUT_DIR=~/test/download-data-output/
./extract/ $SOURCE_DIR $OUTPUT_DIR \
[--debug] \
[--minimum-fields] \
[--keep-robots] \
[--total-number-threshold 100] \
[--print-stats-for-ip] \
/data/*.log && cat /data/*.log.csv > /data/all.log.csv'
docker-compose up -d
To update database, it's necessary to remove volume
docker-compose rm
# docker-compose rm -v does not work, so use
docker volume rm downloaddata_postgres-data
With 0xDBE, use the following URL
With docker only (command line), use
docker-compose run psql
select * from download limit 10;
docker-compose run psql -f /sql/build_database.sql
/Applications/ -f sql/build_database.sql
See downloads of articles that can be accessed by multiple urls paths (we consider them as different):
select url, article from download
where article in (select article from article GROUP BY article HAVING count(article) > 1)
order by article;
Check issue publication year consistence (this query should return no results)
select issue_id from download GROUP BY issue_id having COUNT(DISTINCT(publication_year)) > 1;
See issues that have been published late:
select journal, volume, issue, publication_year, online_year, (online_year - publication_year) as delay
from issue, volume, journal
publication_year <> online_year
and publication_year >= (SELECT MIN(download_year) FROM download)
and issue.volume_id =
and volume.journal_id =
order by journal, volume, issue;
extract/ ~/test/nlm data/all_articles.csv