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Gaze Meta Data

David Medine edited this page Jul 21, 2015 · 3 revisions

This page specifies the meta-data for gaze-parameter recordings (e.g., from an eye tracker).

If a stream has the content-type Gaze, we recommend that meta-data about the stream adheres to the structure and naming laid out in the following. While all meta-data is optional, we recommend that any stream should describe at least for each channel the label, eye, type and unit parameters.

# specification of the channel layout # information about a single channel (repeated for each) # label of the channel # which eye the channel is referring to (can be left, right, or both) # type of data in this channel, can be an of the following values: 1. ** ScreenX, ScreenY: screen coordinates of the gaze cursor (can also refer to a scene image), usually in pixels, 1. ** DirectionX,DirectionY,DirectionZ: 3d gaze vector in some coordinate system 1. ** PositionX,PositionY,PositionZ: 3d position of the eye center in some coordinate system 1. ** IntersectionX, IntersectionY, IntersectionZ: 2d or 3d position of the intersection point with a plane (in some coordinate system) 1. ** HeadX, HeadY, HeadZ: 3d location of the head center in some coordinate system, 1. ** PupilX, PupilY, PupilZ: 2d or 3d location of the pupil center in some coordinate system, 1. ** ReflexX, ReflexY, ReflexZ: 2d or 3d location of the illuminator's reflection point in some coordinate system, 1. ** Radius or Diameter: the overall pupil radius or diameter (usually in mm or pixels), 1. ** RadiusX,RadiusY: horizontal and vertical pupil radius 1. ** DiameterX,DiameterY: horizontal and vertical pupil diameter 1. ** Confidence for confidence information (preferred unit: normalized) 1. ** FrameNumber: frame number that the parameters were calculated from 1. * PlaneNumber or ObjectId: number or identifier of the object that was intersected by the gaze vector # measurement unit (e.g., pixels, mm, normalized) # coordinate system of the respective parameter, can be world-space, object-space, camera-space, or image-space

# information about the acquisition system # manufacturer of the device # model name of the device <serial_number> # serial number of the device

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