Scientific discipline-specific unit testing requires extensible libraries that can implement the interfaces to simulators, data repositories, and analysis tools.
We develop NeuronUnit, a SciUnit-driven library for the investigation of neuron, neural circuit, and ion channel models.
NeuronUnit implements an interface to several simulators and model description languages, handles test calculations according to domain standards, and enables automated construction of tests based on data from several major public data repositories.
my_model = ReducedModel('/path/to/file',backend='NEURON') # Instantiate a reduced neuron model.
my_test = RheobaseTest(observation={'mean':100*pA,'std':5*pA}) # Instantiate a test based on
# data from the literature or your lab.
score = my_test.judge() # Runs the test and return a rich score containing test results and more.
- Generates tests using data from, the Allen Brain Institute, the Blue Brain project, or your lab.
- Fully NeuroML 2.0 compliant
- Supports both NEURON and the jNeuroML reference simulator
- Support for neuroConstruct via jython bridge
- Parallel test execution and/or parameter optimization
- Built-in test classes for commonly-measured experimental properties of cells and ion channels
- Neuroscience Gateway integration
- Docker containers for reproducible testing
Community participation is encouraged!
(See SciUnit documentation first)
Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3