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Table of Contents


This repository contains the source code for SENSE WEB, a user-friendly application that helps acquire time series data, such as biosignals, without the need for coding.

In addition to SENSE WEB, the repository also features others packages, the main two are: @scientisst/sense and @scientisst/next-ui. The first package provides an API for acquiring data from ScientISST devices, while the second is a React component library offering a set of components for building applications similar to SENSE WEB.

By having all of these packages in a single monorepo, the goal is to simplify development and make it easier for new contributors to join in. Keeping everything in one place streamlines the development process, saving time and resources.

Project Structure

This repository is structured using turborepo, a monorepo management tool that makes it easier to work on multiple packages and applications within the same repository.

The following directories can be found in the repository:

  • /packages/ - This directory contains the source code for the packages that are published to npm. The packages in this directory provide functionality that can be used by the applications in the repository or by other applications that want to use the same functionality.

  • /apps/ - This directory contains the source code for the applications in the repository. These applications are built using the packages in the /packages/ directory, and can be used as examples of how to use those packages.

The project structure is designed to make it easy for developers to work on multiple packages and applications at the same time, as well as to make it easier for new contributors to get involved. By keeping everything in one place, it is possible to make changes to the packages and see how they impact the applications in real-time, saving time and effort during the development process.


This repository contains the following packages:

  1. @scientisst/sense - A JavaScript library that provides an API for acquiring data from ScientISST devices. The library makes it easy to access data from these devices, allowing developers to focus on the application logic instead of worrying about the communication with the devices.

  2. @scientisst/next-ui - A React component library that provides a set of components for building applications that acquire data from ScientISST devices. The components in this library have been designed with SENSE WEB in mind, and can be reused in other projects that want to leverage the interface developed in SENSE WEB.

  3. @scientisst/eslint-config-next - An ESLint configuration used by all packages in this repository. It ensures a consistent coding style across all packages, making it easier for contributors to get started and for maintainers to review code changes.

  4. @scientisst/prettier-config-next - A Prettier configuration used by this repository. Prettier is an opinionated code formatter that helps enforce consistent coding style and reduces the need for manual code formatting.

  5. @scientisst/tsconfig - A set of TypeScript configuration files that provide a useful set of options for TypeScript projects. This package can be used as a dependency in other projects to ensure that they have the same TypeScript configuration as this repository.

Each package has its own directory within the repository and its own documentation, making it easy to understand and use each package independently. The packages can be installed and used as dependencies in other projects, making it simple to reuse the work that has already been done.

If you want to learn more a specific package, please start by reading its README file.


This repository also contains the source code for the following applications:

  1. sense-web-v2 - The updated version of SENSE WEB, built using Next.js 13. This version provides a user-friendly web interface that makes it easy to acquire time series data, such as biosignals, without the need for coding. It utilizes the @scientisst/sense library for communication with ScientISST devices and the @scientisst/next-ui library for its user interface components.

  2. sense-web-v1 - The original version of SENSE WEB, built using Vue.js. This version is kept for backwards compatibility in case any issues arise in the new version.

The apps directory within the repository contains the source code for the applications, making it easy to understand how they are built and how they use the packages in the repository. The applications can be built and run locally, allowing developers to work on the code and test their changes before submitting a pull request.

By having the applications and packages together in the same repository, it is possible to make changes to the packages that are used by the applications, test those changes in the applications, and then publish the updated packages to npm. This streamlined development process speeds up development time and ensures that the packages and applications are always in sync.

Setting Up the Development Environment

Before you can start contributing to this repository, you will need to set up your development environment. The following steps will guide you through the process.


  • Node.js version 18.12.1 or higher
  • pnpm 7.26.3 or higher

Installing the Prerequisites

You can install the latest version of Node.js by visiting the Node.js website. After installing Node.js, you should upgrade npm to the latest version by running the following command:

npm install -g npm

To install pnpm, you should visit the installation instructions on the pnpm website.

Running the Development Environment

Once you have installed the prerequisites, you can clone this repository and run the following command in the root directory of the repository to install all of the dependencies:

pnpm install

To start the development environment, run the following command:

pnpm dev

This command will start a development server for each application in the repository. You can access the development server for each application by visiting the following URLs:

Building the Repository

To build the repository, run the following command:

pnpm build

This command will build all of the applications and packages in the repository, creating a production-ready build that can be deployed to a live environment. The build artifacts will be stored in a directory within each application and package.


We welcome contributions to this repository! If you would like to contribute, please follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository. This will create a copy of the repository under your own account.

  2. Clone the repository. This will copy the repository to your local machine, allowing you to make changes to the code.

  3. Create a new branch. It is best to create a new branch for each set of changes you would like to make. This helps to keep your changes organized and makes it easier for you to submit multiple sets of changes as separate pull requests.

  4. Make your changes. This is the fun part! You can use any text editor or integrated development environment (IDE) to make changes to the code.

  5. Commit your changes. This will save your changes to your local repository.

  6. Push your changes. This will upload your changes to your fork of the repository on GitHub.

  7. Submit a pull request. This will ask the maintainers of the repository to review and merge your changes into the main codebase.

Once your changes have been reviewed and approved, they will be merged into the main codebase and published to the repository for everyone to use.

We appreciate your contributions to this project!


Please note that the hardware and software developed by ScientISST are not medically approved for diagnosing or treating any diseases. The software is provided "as is" and comes with no warranty, either express or implied, including but not limited to warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement. The authors and copyright holders cannot be held liable for any claims, damages, or other liabilities arising from or in connection with the software or its use.


This project was partially funded by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) through the following initiatives:

  • UIDB/50008/2020 and DSAIPA/AI/0122/2020 (AIMHealth) at Instituto de Telecomunicações
  • B-0169-22 (AIMHealth) at Instituto de Telecomunicações

We are grateful for their support.