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Piyumal DK edited this page Nov 23, 2020 · 7 revisions


Welcome to the covid-trace wiki!

  1. What is Covid-19 Trace?
  2. What is Covid-19 Trace For?
  3. What Problems Does Covid-19 Trace Solve?
  4. What Design Principles Underline Covid-19 Trace?
  5. How does Covid-19 Trace Accomplish Its Goals?

What is Covid-19 Trace?

COVID-19 virus is a newly discovered disease and it has become the biggest challenge humankind faced in the 21st century. The first case was identified in Wuhan, China in December 2019 and it has grown from that day all around the world.

As COVID-19 is caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which spreads between people, mainly when an infected person is in close contact with another person, our duty as human kind is to minimize these situations. But in day to day life, it’s very difficult to avoid human contact so in that case this Covid-19 Trace comes as a solution to ease up the problem.

What is Covid-19 Trace For?

To minimize the spread of the disease, we should identify patients and isolate their contact persons for a couple of days. This is the method the Sri Lankan government is also following. But to do that, we should identify the visiting places of the patients' past days and find out who visited the same locations or use the same vehicles in those days. This has become one of the biggest challenges human kind faces today. We Covid-19 Trace is about to solve this problem with the help of information technology.

What problems Does Covid-19 Trace Solve?

Because of Covid-19 Trace, we can avoid using papers to collect information of people in locations which is time wasting and not healthy because the disease itself can transmit from this task itself.

People are very sensitive about their privacy so with this solution privacy will not be violated in any kind. In Covid-19 Trace, we only collect history information of the patients and their contacted persons and the rest of the users’ history information will not be collected or stored in any kind of cloud. In Covid-19, users’ privacy is one of our major priorities so registering information will be stored hashed. When a patient is found, it is very time consuming to find out all the contacted persons in a specific time period. In a disease like this, the sooner people are aware about the risk they are in is better. So with Covid-19 trace, it’s very quick to identify these information.

The methodology Covid-19 trace follows is giving more accurate information and in a medical issue such as this, if the information is not accurate enough, information is more likely useless.

What Design Principles Underline Covid-19 Trace?

To develop the flutter application, Domain-driven design principles have been followed in this project. Click here to learn more about Domain-driven design principles.

How does Covid-19 Trace Accomplish Its Goals?

To avoid the usage of papers and to minimize the time wasted with the process, the system uses a QR scanning system to identify the location or the vehicle the user just visited. After scanning the QR code, the mobile app will get the location information and store it locally with the checked in and checked out time.

Because of one of the major priorities of the project which is user’s privacy, the system will only store the information of users visiting history on the user's local mobile phone. If and only if the user was identified as a patient, the system will get the patient's visiting history to the system’s cloud just to identify the contacted persons. System will check whether the user is contacted with a patient only in local mobile phones, so normal users’ history will remain in users’ mobile phones until identified as a patient.

In addition to that, to enhance the privacy of the system, the system will store users’ identity card information hashed.

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