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This is the implementation of the Enigma Worker P2P package written in Node.js and based on libp2p-js. The Enigma P2P is a part of the Node stack running as a process on the OS communicating both with Core and the outside world.

Table of Contents

Getting Started

Quick CLI

First enter the relevant directory:

cd ./src/cli

For help type:

$node cli_app.js -h

For interactive-options help type help while running.

For a quick launch of one bootstrap node type:

node cli_app.js -i B1 -p B1 --core <ip>:<port> --proxy <port> --mock-core --random-db

For a quick launch of a regular worker node that will connect to the bootstrap (just launched) in a different terminal type:

node cli_app.js -b B1 --core <ip>:<port> --proxy <port> --mock-core --random-db

In this short example we used the following options and flags:

--core <ip>:<port> enigma-core uri. In this example we used a core simulation

--mock-core launch a core simulation

--proxy <port> start up the JSON-RPC server

--random-db generate a temporary database for the task management during testing

-b specifies the bootstrap node to connect to, B1 is hard-coded for testing

-i load specific node id from a hardcoded path.

-p run on a specific port since the bootstrap node is the first node everyone will connect to


Core P2P and the outside world

Implementation 1

P2P High level design

Implementation 2

  • The components NodeController, JsonRpcServer, CoreRuntime are essentially autonomous "runtimes".
  • The MainController relays the communication with different Actions.
  • The communication is done via Channels, which are bi-directional message-sending implementations.

NodeController and internals

Implementation 1

General concepts

The enigma-p2p is asynchronous in its nature and has different concepts that are applied in the architecture.

Event driven and notifications

Everything is based on notifications and responses to those notifications. Notifications in the project come in two forms:

  1. EventEmitter

  2. Channels and communicators

    -Explained later in the Main Controller section, used for request/response type of communication unlike EventEmitter where it is stateless.

Command pattern and Actions

Since everything is Event driven it means that we want to trigger different things once some event occurs. The design here is based on classic Command Pattern but with modifications to fit NodeJS style. Terminology wise, it's called Actions. Everywhere in the project notifications lead to Actions. The rational here is that objects hold the concrete implementation and Actions are the operational logic.

Actions are everywhere:

Actions must implement execute(params) function and usually take context object in their constructor.

To summarize, Actions are holding the operational logic when to call functions, in which order and it separates the invocation from the execution.


Sometimes different functions needs to be called together, those are called PipelineAction and they will be only responsible for calling the other Actions and parsing input/output between them. Example ReceiveAllPipelineAction.


There are a lot of components that need to talk to each other. So there is a hierarchy. The controllers are mapping notifications that are emitted to Actions that need to be executed.

For example, the NodeController.

!!! Every controller also exposes a FACADE to the other things in the project. !!!

This is how user can call direct Actions such as connect to peers etc.


All the constants go here.

Runtimes and the main controller

Each component such as the Worker, CoreRuntime, etc are Runtimes and there is a main controller that connects between them.

The reasoning here is again, separation of concerns.

Main controller

The MainController, documented in a comment, is also based on Actions with slightly different concepts.


The different Runtimes need to implement two methods:

type() : string

This method returns the Runtime name.


This method sets the communicator for each Runtime to talk with the MainController (example).

Channels and Communicators

Runtime communication is usually request/response, which is why simple EventEmitter is not enough.

For example, when Worker component needs something from the DB, it will use a Channel and wait for a response.

The Channel class is responsible for creating two Communicator instances. The message types between two Communicators are of type Envelop class.

The "big" innovation here is the sendAndReceive(envelop) method.


const Envelop = require("./Envelop");
let communicators = Channel.biDirectChannel();
let c1 = communicators.channel1;
let c2 = communicators.channel2;

c1.setOnMessage(envelop => {
  let e = new Envelop(, { msg: "this is lena " }, "target runtime action");
// envelop
let e1 = new Envelop(true, { msg: "who is it? " }, "target runtime action");

let responseEnvelop = await c2.sendAndReceive(e1);
console.log("response: " + responseEnvelop);

Api controller

The MainController exposes a FACADE to all the Runtimes. This is what the CLI is talking to.


The Facade is implemented in FacadeController and should be adding concrete methods there that will define the general API, currently this is very unstable which is why the CLI calls the components directly.

Creating main controller instance

There is a Builder :-)

Example of how the CLI uses the builder to create an instance.

The Worker - everything libp2p.

The worker runtime is everything that relates to messaging and the p2p.

Libp2p configuration

Besides the configuration in common/constants.js there are specific libp2p configurations, such as PeerBundle.


The EnigmaNode is a wrapper to the PeerBundle from above. It implements specific p2p functions for enigma. Nothing should talk directly to the PeerBundle. Everything low-level that requires PeerBundle directly should go through this class instead.

Just to emphasize: if one needs some specific function for libp2p-dht that does not exist yet in the EnigmaNode class, it should be implemented here and wrapped.

P2P Messages

The messages are used as concrete classes. They are documented here alongside with There might be minor differences between what is documented and what is implemented.

Incoming requests

All the inbound messages get accepted by the ProtocolHandler class. Building on top of libp2p terminology, different messages are different protocols and each one gets its own handler.

State synchronization


A class that responsible for the content receiving logic.


A class that responsible for the content providing logic.

Related Actions

The Actions with the operational logic inside NodeController.

PubSub - how to "broadcast"

This is a great way of communicating with nodes in the network using the DHT. Essentially this is a Multicast based on publish/subscribe architecture.

Nodes can subscribe to different topics and publish messages to those topics.

An example ($broadcast <msg> in the cli) of publishing to broadcast topic.

Subscribe example and the handler for a message.

This functionality is great for the JSON-RPC api to propagate messages to the network from a proxy node the dApp user is connected to.

Connecting it all - controller

There are more things in Worker and all of them are managed by the NodeController that maps notifications to Actions.

The NodeController exposes the Facade API for the Worker p2p things

creating NodeController instance

initDefaultTemplate(options,logger) is for creating a new instance.


For using the released version (corresponding to the main branch of this repository) download it from npm:

npm i enigma-p2p

For installing a different branch of the repository:

git clone this repository

If running with Docker

cd into the project directory and type:

docker build .

To run later, save the final build hash or give it a name.

To run the node inside a container from the project directory type:

 docker run -v "$PWD":/usr/src/app -ti --net="host" <image-build-id> /bin/bash

Installing globally with nvm

  1. install nvm
  2. install some node version : $nvm install 10.16
  3. type npm install -g enigma-p2p
  4. to run global type : enigma-p2p-test <flags>

Incase of missing modules such as connect and tempdir install them in the same way.

npm install -g <missing module name>

Running the tests

git clone
cd enigma-p2p
npm install
npm run test


If while running the tests you receive an Address already in use error, try running sudo netstat -ltnp to see which processes on your machine are already using one of the port that was reported as already in use (from ./test/ipc_test.js).

How it works

Overview on start

At a very high level, the Worker needs to execute a sequence of steps and only then, it can start "working". Here is a diagram explaining all of the initial steps the Worker has to do:

Implementation 4

  • Start

Starting the node after Core. Set some configurations such as network settings, Ethereum wallet etc.

  • Bootstrap

Connect to hardcoded well-known Bootstrap nodes.

  • Sync State

Synchronize the Worker state: Secret contracts bytecode and deltas.

  • Announce State

Update the DHT registries with the content available (i.e deltas) for other peers to sync.

  • Background Services

Such as Ethereum listener, JsonRpcAPI etc.

  • Register

Register with Enigma.sol with all the required steps including Enclave Report.

Syncing a Worker

Worker synchronization is done using libp2p content routing mechanisms. The architecture is sharded in its nature. We could think of each contract as a chain of blocks, and each block represents some delta in a sequence. The first block is the bytecode, then we get delta 0, delta 1 and so on.

The synchronization process consists of many parts and before diving in, here is what it doesn't do (some might call it TODO):

  1. Protect against DOS/DDOS attacks.
  2. Blacklist ip.
  3. Re-use connection with a peer for more than one contract, i.e the full process of synching contract a and b will re-open the connection twice even if it's the same peer.

What it does today:

  1. Handles back-pressure (requests are piped in sink-streams with max of 500 range for deltas)
  2. Shutdown the stream if something went wrong (i.e corrupted data)
  3. Optimized for simple laptops with no hardware/bandwidth assumptions.
  4. All the components in the process both the Receiver/Provider uses sink-streams all the way from the request to the database storage.

Without further due, let's look with the flow.


The Enigma Contract on Ethereum is used as the consensus layer, containing a mapping between:

Secret-Contract-Address => hash(WASM),[hash(delta 0), ...hash(delta n)]

Synchronizing the State means:

1) Having all the secret-contracts WASM code.
2) Having all the state deltas for each secret-contract.

In the code:

worker/IdentifyMissingStaetsAction uses StateSync to get the missing states map it maps between addresses and delta/bytecode hashes that are missing. This is also used in the verification stream to validate the correctness of the received data. In simple words, instead of going to Ethereum twice, once for identifying what is missing and the second time for verification, we reuse the same object.

Content Routing

The content routing is based on the libp2p implementation of IPFS using CID to identify content and Kad-DHT for finding peers.

In the enigma-p2p the CID is wrapped with EngCid and exposes convenient functions to use for the enigma use-case.

We use CID only to represent a contract address and nothing else.


The message definitions between enigma-core and enigma-p2p are defined here

All the information is stored encrypted inside a rocks-db instance on the disk and enigma-core takes care of it. The Read/Write requests to the db are done via CoreRuntime that uses zeromq sockets for IPC.

The enigma-p2p itself uses a level-db database for storing tasks - their inputs and result. The TaskManager component is the one responsible for the tasks management.

It was also considered to use another database for caching local tips in enigma-p2p (pointers to the local most recent contracts states), however although some work has been done in this direction, this is currently not yet applicable.

Provide Content

Providing Content is the process of announcing to the network a list of CID's. A node announces the content it provides after it's being synchronized with the Enigma Contract on Ethereum.

Providing requires an announcements process which is done via AnnounceLocalStateAction.

Nodes store in their DHT a mapping between CID and provider peers.

Find Content

This is the role of the Receiver. Finding content is the lookup of certains CID's in the network. Finding content requires two steps:

  1. Get the local state.
  2. Get the remote state.

The delta between the remote and the local is what needs to be synched.

This is a diagram demonstrating the use of the action IdentifyMissingStatesAction that will take care of both steps (thanks to @lenak25 implementation of remote states).

identify 2

Find Content Providers

Ok, so we know what is missing, now we need to find who can provide it. There is a list for each CID since peers might go offline or be malicious etc.

Again, this is from the Receiver perspective triggering ContentProviderAction.

find providers 2

The end result of this action is a map of CID's to providers (peers) that can provide that CID.

TODO:: optimize on connections, i.e if a peer exists in all of the CID's then reuse the connection.

Synchronize Content

From the Receiver perspective it all starts with TryReceiveAllAction. At the moment we sync each contract one-by-one because:

  1. It's safer to manage
  2. It takes no assumption of good hardware/bandwidth

At the high-level the process of managing the synchronization of all the secret contracts:

sync high level

Phew, this is not simple. If we go deeper, there can be faults i.e peer go offline, malicious peer, corrupted data etc. So this is the process of receiving one secret contract (this is in-depth look into the yellow circle saying Sync in the above diagram):

sync one

It's not over yet, if we look deeper, in the above diagram there is a state that's called Sync-Receive contract. This is the actual flow of passing bytes around between two peers:

A Receiver can request either a bytecode or deltas (limited up to 500 deltas per request). To handle back pressure and DOS attacks each request is handled once the previous is done, i.e the Receiver will send another request to the Provider only after verifying and storing the current request.

The messages can be:


streams flow


streams flow

Built With


  • Isan Rivkin
  • Lena Kleyner
  • Elichai Turkel
  • Avishai Weingarten
  • Victor Grau Serrat
  • Aditya Palepu
  • Assaf Morami


The Enigma Worker P2P is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see