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Nutrition Label Configuration Options

Default values shown as well

Set label width

width : 280

Allow custom width - usually needed for mobile sites

allowCustomWidth : false
widthCustom : 'auto'

Allow the label to have no border

allowNoBorder : false

Enable rounding of the nutritional values based on the FDA rounding rules

allowFDARounding : false

2018 only. calculate vitamin DV percentage by mass, instead of calculating mass from percent DV

useMassForVitamins : false,

Enable google analytics event logging

allowGoogleAnalyticsEventLog : false
gooleAnalyticsFunctionName : 'ga'

Enable triggering of user function on quantity change: global function name

userFunctionNameOnQuantityChange: null

Enable triggering of user function on quantity change: handler instance

userFunctionOnQuantityChange:     null

When set to true, this will hide the values if they are not applicable

hideNotApplicableValues : false

When set to true, this will hide all the percent daily values

hidePercentDailyValues : false

The brand name of the item for this label (eg. just salad)

brandName : 'Brand where this item belongs to'

Scroll the ingredients if the innerheight is > scrollHeightComparison

scrollLongIngredients : false
scrollHeightComparison : 100

The height in px of the ingredients div

scrollHeightPixel : 95

Set how many decimal places will be shown on the nutrition values (calories, fat, protein, vitamin a, iron, etc)

decimalPlacesForNutrition : 1

Set how many decimal places will be shown for the "% daily values*"

decimalPlacesForDailyValues : 0

Set how many decimal places will be shown for the serving unit quantity textbox

decimalPlacesForQuantityTextbox : 1

Scroll the item name if the jQuery.height() is > scrollLongItemNamePixel

scrollLongItemName : true
scrollLongItemNamePixel : 36
scrollLongItemNamePixel2018Override : 34 // this is needed to fix some issues on the 2018 label as the layout of the label is very different than the legacy one

Show the customizable link at the bottom

showBottomLink : false

Url for the customizable link at the bottom

urlBottomLink : ''

Link name for the customizable link at the bottom

nameBottomLink : 'Nutritionix'

Managing valueServingUnitQuantity

This value can be changed and the value of the nutritions will be affected directly. The computation is

"current nutrition value" * "serving unit quantity value" = "final nutrition value"
  • This can't be less than zero, all values less than zero are converted to zero
  • The textbox to change this value is visible / enabled by default
  • If the initial value of the serving size unit quantity is less than or equal to zero, it is converted to 1.0
  • When enabled, user can change this value by clicking the arrow or changing the value on the textbox and pressing enter. the value on the label will be updated automatically

Different scenarios and the result if this feature is enabled

On all cases below showServingUnitQuantityTextbox == true AND showServingUnitQuantity == true

  • "[ ]" means a textbox will be shown
  • If showServingUnitQuantity == false, the values that should be on the 'serving size div' are empty or null

CASE 1a: valueServingSizeUnit != '' (AND NOT null) && valueServingUnitQuantity >= 0

  • RESULT: textServingSize [valueServingUnitQuantity] valueServingSizeUnit

On all cases below showServingUnitQuantityTextbox == true AND showItemName == true

If showItemName == false, the values that should be on the 'item name div' are empty or null

CASE 1b: valueServingSizeUnit != '' (AND NOT null) && valueServingUnitQuantity <= 0

  • RESULT: [valueServingUnitQuantity default to 1.0] itemName

CASE 3a: valueServingSizeUnit == '' (OR null) && valueServingUnitQuantity > 0

  • RESULT: [valueServingUnitQuantity] itemName

CASE 3b: valueServingSizeUnit == '' (OR null) && valueServingUnitQuantity <= 0

  • RESULT: [valueServingUnitQuantity default to 1.0] itemName

To see the different resulting labels, check the html/demo-texbox-case*.html files

valueServingUnitQuantity : 1.0
valueServingSizeUnit : ''
showServingUnitQuantityTextbox : true

These 2 settings are used internally.

This is just added here instead of a global variable to prevent a bug when there are multiple instances of the plugin like on the demo pages

originalServingUnitQuantity : 0

This is used to fix the computation issue on the textbox

nutritionValueMultiplier : 1

The name of the item for this label (eg. cheese burger or mayonnaise)

itemName : 'Item / Ingredient Name'
showServingUnitQuantity : true

Allow hiding of the textbox arrows

hideTextboxArrows : false

This is used for the computation of the servings per container

totalContainerQuantity : 1

Default calorie intake

calorieIntake : 2000

These are the recommended daily intake values

dailyValueTotalFat : 65
dailyValueSatFat : 20
dailyValueCholesterol : 300
dailyValueSodium : 2400
dailyValuePotassium : 3500
dailyValuePotassium_2018 : 4700
dailyValueCarb : 300
dailyValueFiber : 25
dailyValueCalcium : 1300
dailyValueIron : 18
dailyValueVitaminD : 20
dailyValueAddedSugar : 50

dailyValueVitaminA_2018 : 5000
dailyValueVitaminC_2018 : 60
dailyValueVitaminE : 30
dailyValueVitaminK : 80
dailyValueThiamin : 1.5
dailyValueRiboflavin : 1.7
dailyValueNiacin : 20
dailyValueVitaminB6 : 2
dailyValueFolate : 400
dailyValueVitaminB12 : 6
dailyValueBiotin : 300
dailyValuePantothenicAcid : 10
dailyValuePhosphorus : 1000
dailyValueIodine : 150
dailyValueMagnesium : 400
dailyValueZinc : 15
dailyValueSelenium : 70
dailyValueCopper : 2
dailyValueManganese : 2
dailyValueChromium : 120
dailyValueMolybdenum : 75
dailyValueChloride : 3400

These values can be changed to hide some nutrition values

showCalories : true
showFatCalories : true
showTotalFat : true
showSatFat : true
showTransFat : true
showPolyFat : false
showMonoFat : false
showCholesterol : true
showSodium : true
showPotassium: false // this is for the legacy version, this is the only value that is default to be hidden
showPotassium_2018: true // this is for the 2018 version
showTotalCarb : true
showFibers : true
showSugars : true
showAddedSugars : true
showSugarAlcohol : false
showProteins : true
showVitaminA : true
showVitaminA_2018: false // optional in 2018
showVitaminC : true
showVitaminC_2018: false // optional in 2018
showVitaminD : true
showCalcium : true
showIron : true

Additional optional nutrients for 2018 version.

These can be included, but are not required by the FDA as of 2018

Disabled by default

showVitaminE: false,
showVitaminK: false,
showThiamin: false,
showRiboflavin: false,
showNiacin: false,
showVitaminB6: false,
showFolate: false,
showVitaminB12: false,
showBiotin: false,
showPantothenicAcid: false,
showPhosphorus: false,
showIodine: false,
showMagnesium: false,
showZinc: false,
showSelenium: false,
showCopper: false,
showManganese: false,
showChromium: false,
showMolybdenum: false,
showChloride: false,

Show the 'amount per serving' text

showAmountPerServing : true

Show the 'servings per container' data and replace the default 'Serving Size' value (without unit and servings per container text and value)

showServingsPerContainer : false

Show the item name. there are special cases where the item name is replaced with 'servings per container' value

showItemName : true

Show the brand where this item belongs to

showBrandName : false

Show the ingredients value or not

showIngredients : true

Show the calorie diet info at the bottom of the label

showCalorieDiet : false

Show the customizable footer which can contain html and js codes

showCustomFooter : false

Show the disclaimer text or not

showDisclaimer : false

The height in px of the disclaimer div

scrollDisclaimerHeightComparison : 100
scrollDisclaimer : 95
valueDisclaimer : 'Please note that these nutrition values are estimated based on our standard serving portions. ' +
'As food servings may have a slight variance each time you visit, please expect these values to be with in 10% +/- of your actual meal. ' +
'If you have any questions about our nutrition calculator, please contact Nutritionix.'
ingredientLabel : 'INGREDIENTS:'
valueCustomFooter : ''

The are to set some values as 'not applicable'. this means that the nutrition label will appear but the value will be a 'gray dash'

naCalories : false
naFatCalories : false
naTotalFat : false
naSatFat : false
naTransFat : false
naPolyFat : false
naMonoFat : false
naCholesterol : false
naSodium : false
naPotassium : false // this is for the legacy version
naPotassium_2018 : false // this is for the 2018 version
naTotalCarb : false
naFibers : false
naSugars : false
naAddedSugars : false
naSugarAlcohol : false
naProteins : false
naVitaminA : false
naVitaminA_2018: false
naVitaminC : false
naVitaminC_2018: false
naVitaminD : false
naCalcium : false
naIron : false

naVitaminE: false
naVitaminK: false
naThiamin: false
naRiboflavin: false
naNiacin: false
naVitaminB6: false
naFolate: false
naVitaminB12: false
naBiotin: false
naPantothenicAcid: false
naPhosphorus: false
naIodine: false
naMagnesium: false
naZinc: false
naSelenium: false
naCopper: false
naManganese: false
naChromium: false
naMolybdenum: false
naChloride: false

These are the default values for the nutrition info

valueServingWeightGrams : 0
valueServingPerContainer : 1
valueCalories : 0
valueFatCalories : 0
valueTotalFat : 0
valueSatFat : 0
valueTransFat : 0
valuePolyFat : 0
valueMonoFat : 0
valueCholesterol : 0
valueSodium : 0
valuePotassium : 0 // this is for the legacy version
valuePotassium_2018 : 0 // this is for the 2018 version
valueTotalCarb : 0
valueFibers : 0
valueSugars : 0
valueAddedSugars : 0
valueSugarAlcohol : 0
valueProteins : 0

valueVitaminA : 0 // this is for the legacy version
valueVitaminA_2018: 0 // this is for the 2018 version, optional
valueVitaminC : 0 // this is for the legacy version
valueVitaminC_2018: 0 // this is for the 2018 version, optional
valueVitaminD : 0
valueCalcium : 0
valueIron : 0

Optional nutrients 2018 only

valueVitaminE: 0
valueVitaminK: 0
valueThiamin: 0
valueRiboflavin: 0
valueNiacin: 0
valueVitaminB6: 0
valueFolate: 0
valueVitaminB12: 0
valueBiotin: 0
valuePantothenicAcid: 0
valuePhosphorus: 0
valueIodine: 0
valueMagnesium: 0
valueZinc: 0
valueSelenium: 0
valueCopper: 0
valueManganese: 0
valueChromium: 0
valueMolybdenum: 0
valueChloride: 0

Customizable units for the values

unitCalories : ''
unitFatCalories : ''
unitTotalFat : '<span aria-hidden="true">g</span><span class="sr-only"> grams</span>'
unitSatFat : '<span aria-hidden="true">g</span><span class="sr-only"> grams</span>'
unitTransFat : '<span aria-hidden="true">g</span><span class="sr-only"> grams</span>'
unitPolyFat : '<span aria-hidden="true">g</span><span class="sr-only"> grams</span>'
unitMonoFat : '<span aria-hidden="true">g</span><span class="sr-only"> grams</span>'
unitCholesterol : '<span aria-hidden="true">mg</span><span class="sr-only"> milligrams</span>'
unitSodium : '<span aria-hidden="true">mg</span><span class="sr-only"> milligrams</span>'
unitPotassium : '<span aria-hidden="true">mg</span><span class="sr-only"> milligrams</span>' // this is for the legacy version
unitPotassium_base : '<span aria-hidden="true">mg</span><span class="sr-only"> milligrams</span>' // this is for the 2018 version
unitPotassium_percent : '%' // this is for the 2018 version
unitTotalCarb : '<span aria-hidden="true">g</span><span class="sr-only"> grams</span>'
unitFibers : '<span aria-hidden="true">g</span><span class="sr-only"> grams</span>'
unitSugars : '<span aria-hidden="true">g</span><span class="sr-only"> grams</span>'
unitAddedSugars : '<span aria-hidden="true">g</span><span class="sr-only"> grams</span>'
unitSugarAlcohol : '<span aria-hidden="true">g</span><span class="sr-only"> grams</span>'
unitProteins : '<span aria-hidden="true">g</span><span class="sr-only"> grams</span>'
unitVitaminA : '%'
unitVitaminA_base: '<span aria-hidden="true"> IU</span><span class="sr-only"> international units</span>' // this is for the 2018 version
unitVitaminA_percent: "%" // this is for the 2018 version
unitVitaminC : '%'
unitVitaminC_base: '<span aria-hidden="true">mg</span><span class="sr-only"> milligrams</span>' // this is for the 2018 version
unitVitaminC_percent: "%" // this is for the 2018 version
unitVitaminD_base : '<span aria-hidden="true">mcg</span><span class="sr-only"> micrograms</span>' // this is for the 2018 version
unitVitaminD_percent : '%' // this is for the 2018 version
unitCalcium : '%'
unitCalcium_base : '<span aria-hidden="true">mg</span><span class="sr-only"> milligrams</span>' // this is for the 2018 version
unitCalcium_percent : '%' // this is for the 2018 version
unitIron : '%'
unitIron_base : '<span aria-hidden="true">mg</span><span class="sr-only"> milligrams</span>' // this is for the 2018 version
unitIron_percent : '%' // this is for the 2018 version

optional nutrients 2018 only

unitVitaminE_base: '<span aria-hidden="true"> IU</span><span class="sr-only"> international units</span>'
unitVitaminE_percent: "%"
unitVitaminK_base: '<span aria-hidden="true"> IU</span><span class="sr-only"> international units</span>'
unitVitaminK_percent: "%"
unitThiamin_base: '<span aria-hidden="true">mg</span><span class="sr-only"> milligrams</span>'
unitThiamin_percent: "%"
unitRiboflavin_base: '<span aria-hidden="true">mg</span><span class="sr-only"> milligrams</span>'
unitRiboflavin_percent: "%"
unitNiacin_base: '<span aria-hidden="true">mg</span><span class="sr-only"> milligrams</span>'
unitNiacin_percent: "%"
unitVitaminB6_base: '<span aria-hidden="true">mg</span><span class="sr-only"> milligrams</span>'
unitVitaminB6_percent: "%"
unitFolate_base: '<span aria-hidden="true">µg</span><span class="sr-only"> micrograms</span>'
unitFolate_percent: "%"
unitVitaminB12_base: '<span aria-hidden="true">µg</span><span class="sr-only"> micrograms</span>'
unitVitaminB12_percent: "%"
unitBiotin_base: '<span aria-hidden="true">µg</span><span class="sr-only"> micrograms</span>'
unitBiotin_percent: "%"
unitPantothenicAcid_base: '<span aria-hidden="true">mg</span><span class="sr-only"> micrograms</span>'
unitPantothenicAcid_percent: "%"
unitPhosphorus_base: '<span aria-hidden="true">mg</span><span class="sr-only"> micrograms</span>'
unitPhosphorus_percent: "%"
unitIodine_base: '<span aria-hidden="true">µg</span><span class="sr-only"> micrograms</span>'
unitIodine_percent: "%"
unitMagnesium_base: '<span aria-hidden="true">mg</span><span class="sr-only"> micrograms</span>'
unitMagnesium_percent: "%"
unitZinc_base: '<span aria-hidden="true">mg</span><span class="sr-only"> micrograms</span>'
unitZinc_percent: "%"
unitSelenium_base: '<span aria-hidden="true">µg</span><span class="sr-only"> micrograms</span>'
unitSelenium_percent: "%"
unitCopper_base: '<span aria-hidden="true">mg</span><span class="sr-only"> micrograms</span>'
unitCopper_percent: "%"
unitManganese_base: '<span aria-hidden="true">mg</span><span class="sr-only"> micrograms</span>'
unitManganese_percent: "%"
unitChromium_base: '<span aria-hidden="true">µg</span><span class="sr-only"> micrograms</span>'
unitChromium_percent: "%"
unitMolybdenum_base: '<span aria-hidden="true">µg</span><span class="sr-only"> micrograms</span>'
unitMolybdenum_percent: "%"
unitChloride_base: '<span aria-hidden="true">mg</span><span class="sr-only"> micrograms</span>'
unitChloride_percent: "%"

These are the values for the optional calorie diet

valueCol1CalorieDiet : 2000
valueCol2CalorieDiet : 2500
valueCol1DietaryTotalFat : 0
valueCol2DietaryTotalFat : 0
valueCol1DietarySatFat : 0
valueCol2DietarySatFat : 0
valueCol1DietaryCholesterol : 0
valueCol2DietaryCholesterol : 0
valueCol1DietarySodium : 0
valueCol2DietarySodium : 0
valueCol1DietaryPotassium : 0
valueCol2DietaryPotassium : 0
valueCol1DietaryTotalCarb : 0
valueCol2DietaryTotalCarb : 0
valueCol1Dietary : 0
valueCol2Dietary : 0

These text settings are so you can create nutrition labels in different languages or to simply change them as needed

textNutritionFacts : 'Nutrition Facts'
textDailyValues : 'Daily Value'
textServingSize : 'Serving Size:'
textServingsPerContainer : 'Servings Per Container'
textAmountPerServing : 'Amount Per Serving'
textCalories : 'Calories'
textFatCalories : 'Calories from Fat'
textTotalFat : 'Total Fat'
textSatFat : 'Saturated Fat'
textTransFat : '<em>Trans</em> Fat'
textPolyFat : 'Polyunsaturated Fat'
textMonoFat : 'Monounsaturated Fat'
textCholesterol : 'Cholesterol'
textSodium : 'Sodium'
textPotassium : 'Potassium'
textTotalCarb : 'Total Carbohydrates'
textFibers : 'Dietary Fiber'
textSugars : 'Sugars'
textAddedSugars1 : 'Includes '
textAddedSugars2 : ' Added Sugars'
textSugarAlcohol : 'Sugar Alcohol'
textProteins : 'Protein'
textVitaminA : 'Vitamin A'
textVitaminC : 'Vitamin C'
textVitaminD : 'Vitamin D'
textCalcium : 'Calcium'
textIron : 'Iron'
textVitaminE: "Vitamin E"
textVitaminK: "Vitamin K"
textThiamin: "Thiamin"
textRiboflavin: "Riboflavin"
textNiacin: "Niacin"
textVitaminB6: "Vitamin B<sub>6</sub>"
textFolate: "Folate"
textVitaminB12: "Vitamin B<sub>12</sub>"
textBiotin: "Biotin"
textPantothenicAcid: "Pantothenic Acid"
textPhosphorus: "Phosphorus"
textIodine: "Iodine"
textMagnesium: "Magnesium"
textZinc: "Zinc"
textSelenium: "Selenium"
textCopper: "Copper"
textManganese: "Manganese"
textChromium: "Chromium"
textMolybdenum: "Molybdenum"
textChloride: "Chloride"
textNotApplicable : '-'
ingredientList : 'None'
textPercentDailyPart1 : 'Percent Daily Values are based on a'
textPercentDailyPart2 : 'calorie diet'
textPercentDaily2018VersionPart1 : 'The % Daily Value (DV) tells you how much a nutrient in a serving of food contributes to a daily diet. '
textPercentDaily2018VersionPart2 : ' calories a day is used for general nutrition advice.'
textGoogleAnalyticsEventCategory : 'Nutrition Label'
textGoogleAnalyticsEventActionUpArrow : 'Quantity Up Arrow Clicked'
textGoogleAnalyticsEventActionDownArrow : 'Quantity Down Arrow Clicked'
textGoogleAnalyticsEventActionTextbox : 'Quantity Textbox Changed'

showLegacyVersion : true

More details here nutritionix#77 (comment)

legacyVersion: 1