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187 lines (112 loc) · 9.61 KB

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187 lines (112 loc) · 9.61 KB


Information about my main GitHub account @seanpm2001 which was flagged on 2022 July 19th.


/Seanpm2001_Flagged/2022/July19th/FlaggedBanner/Dark/PNG/FlaggedBanner_DarkMode.png /Seanpm2001_Flagged/2022/July19th/FlaggedBanner/LightTritanopia/PNG/FlaggedBanner_Tritanopia_Light.png /Seanpm2001_Flagged/2022/July19th/FlaggedBanner/LightProtanopia/PNG/FlaggedBanner_ProtanopiaLight.png

Click/tap here to expand/collapse this image (profile during suspension)


On 2022, Tuesday, July 19th, upon starting my computer, I found that my main account had been flagged. It retained functionality, except for images not rendering (but none of the files being corrupted) and my entire account being hidden from public view. I have sent a repeal on 2022, July 19th, but as of 3:10 pm PST on 2022 July 22nd, I have received no response.

Click/tap here to expand/collapse this image (appeal message)


Date Flagged?
2022, Tuesday, July 19th ✔️
2022, Wednesday, July 20th ✔️
2022, Thursday, July 21st ✔️
2022, Friday, July 22nd ✔️

Usage of alt account

I was advised to make a message via my alt account. I have been hesitant to do so, as I fear it could get unfairly blocked as well. I am not attempting to circumvent the block, I just needed to message my followers what has happened.

Alt account discovery

/Organization_Flags/Seanwallawalla-software/2022July19th/Banner/DarkMode/Seanwallawalla-Software_FlaggedBanner_DarkMode.png /Organization_Flags/Seanwallawalla-software/2022July19th/Banner/LightMode/Tritanopia/Seanwallawalla-Software_FlaggedBanner_LightMode_Tritanopia.png /Organization_Flags/Seanwallawalla-software/2022July19th/Banner/LightMode/Protanopia/Seanwallawalla-Software_FlaggedBanner_LightMode_Protanopia.png

It might be related to the flag on my main account, but my first and main GitHub organization was also flagged.

Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2
/Organization_Flags/Seanwallawalla-software/2022July19th/View/Seanwallawalla-Software_OrganizationFlagged_Screenshot1_LightMode_1080p.png /Organization_Flags/Seanwallawalla-software/2022July19th/View/Seanwallawalla-Software_OrganizationFlagged_Screenshot2_LightMode_1080p.png


I have been under significant stress during this time period. Things are being delayed, and my future is uncertain. There are many examples of people cloning/forking my repositories, but my official projects are not publicly available at the moment. Additionally, I have received followers while my account was blocked, which I find odd.

Original follower count at start of flag/suspension Gaining a follower during flag/suspension
Seanpm2001_Flagged/2022/July19th/Follows_DuringSuspension/PNG/483FollowersDuringSuspension.png /Seanpm2001_Flagged/2022/July19th/Follows_DuringSuspension/PNG/GainingAFollowerDuringSuspension.png

Odd restrictions

I am restricted from searching repository source code by language while logged in, but if I log out/go into private browsing mode, it works just fine.




Upon going to any of my issues or pull requests, I noticed that a label Spammy is applied to all my posts. This is additionally what it says:


GitHub customer support

GitHub customer support has been exceedingly poor. The contact form is taking a very long time, I am not being told why I was flagged, I can't email GitHub (they just blocked my email address when I tried) the forum appears to be moving to GitHub discussions (which will just make it impossible for people with this problem to reach out) and I have not been able to interact with an actual person (not even a bot)


Other people dealing with the same problem

Related problems

Forum is moving

The contact link

GitHub email address (bot)

File info

Click/tap here to expand/collapse this section

File type: Markdown (*.md *.mkd *.mdown *.markdown)

File version: 3 (2022, Friday, July 22nd at 3:10 pm PST)

Line count (including blank lines and compiler line): 188

Current article language: English (EN_USA) / Markdown (CommonMark) / HTML5 (HyperText Markup Language 5.3)

Encoding: UTF-8 (Emoji 12.0 or higher recommended)

All times are UTC-7 (PDT/Pacific Time) (Please also account for DST (Daylight Savings Time) for older/newer entries up until it is abolished/no longer followed)

Note that on 2022, Sunday, March 13th at 2:00 am PST, the time jumped ahead 1 hour to 3:00 am.

You may need special rendering support for the <details> HTML tag being used in this document

File history

Click/tap here to expand/collapse the file history section for this project

Version 1 (2022, Thursday, July 21st at 8:32 pm PST)

This version was made by: @seanwallawalla


  • Started the file
  • Added the description section
  • No other changes in version 1

Version 2 (2022, Thursday, July 21st at 8:32 pm PST)

This version was made by: @seanwallawalla


  • Added the context section
  • Added the usage of alt account section
  • Added the stress section
  • Added the GitHub customer support section
  • Added the sources section
  • No other changes in version 2

Version 3 (2022, Friday, July 22nd at 3:10 pm PST)

This version was made by: @seanwallawalla


  • Referenced several image files
  • Updated the context section
  • Updated the usage of alt account section
    • Added the Alt account discovery subsection
  • Updated the stress section
  • Added the odd restrictions section
  • Updated the GitHub customer support section
  • Added the spammy section
  • Updated the sources section
    • Added the Other people dealing with the same problem subsection
    • Added the related problems subsection
    • Added the forum is moving subsection
    • Added the contact link subsection
    • Added the GitHub email address (bot) subsection
  • Added the file info section
  • Added the file history section
  • No other changes in version 3