This add-on deals with RFC002 request tracing, session and User-Agent
extracts tracing headers from an incoming request. -
builds tracing headers for an outgoing request.
import { TracingHeaders } from 'seek-koala';
// Get our incoming tracing information
const tracing = TracingHeaders.tracingFromContext(ctx);
// Pass an appID as a basis for our `User-Agent`
const appID = {
name: 'ca-example-service',
version: '1234',
// Generate headers for an outgoing request
const headers = TracingHeaders.outgoingHeaders(appID, tracing);
const client = axios.create({ headers });
While there is no RFC for session headers there are three defacto session headers recognised:
reflects the value of the candidate’sJobseekerSessionId
cookie. -
reflects the value of the candidate’sJobseekerVisitorId
cookie. -
is an ad-hoc header that is defined contextually by the system using it.
Unlike X-Request-Id
, session headers are not automatically generated if they're absent in the incoming request.