This repository contains a devops stack.
- Stack setup, create project architecture.
- Setup Jenkins/MySQL/Nexus/Portainer and create sime spring biit application.
- Setup and config Nginx proxy.
- Setup Jenkinsfile and connect Jenkins with Github.
- Config Nexus and Docker repository.
- Make sure you have install Docker and Docker-compose on your machine.
- Clone this repository with:
git clone
- Add host to your machien by run the following commande:
sudo -- sh -c 'echo "192.168.0.XX\t jenkins-stack.local \n192.168.9.XX\t nexus-stack.local \n192.168.0.XX\t portainer-stack.local" >> /etc/hosts'
4.Then you need to run docker-compose -p devstack up -d
from the root folder. After the services are executed, you can navigate to urls bellow to see the applications running.
- JENKINS: http://jenkins-stack.local/
- NEXUS: http://nexus-stack.local/
- PORTAINER: http://portainer-stack.local/