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Metrics Configuration YAML Format

The metrics to be collected by Sematext App Agent are defined in one or more YAML files. Metrics for an integration are grouped in individual YAML files based on metric sources. Each YAML file has the following sections:

type: <data source type>
    <data source specific properties>
    <list of require conditions like version checks>
    <list of Observations>
      <list of metrics>
      <list of tags>
      <list of accept conditions>
      <list of ignore conditions>

Configuration Fields

  • type: Data source type. Valid values are jmx, db and json

  • data: Contains additional parameters that have to be passed to the data source for metrics collection. data field is supported for db and json types.

    • DB data source
      • query: The SQL query be executed to collect metrics.
      • dbDriver: List of DB URL (url) and driver class (clazz) pairs. To be used when multiple drivers are possible for an integration. For example, MySQL & MariaDB. The agent will load each class in the list and use the pair for which it can load the class.
      • dbUrl: The DB Connection string. e.g. jdbc:postgresql://${POSTGRESQL_HOST_PORT}/{POSTGRESQL_DB} where POSTGRESQL_HOST_PORT is placeholder for the variable passed from setup-spm script. It is recommended to name the variable using <INTEGRATION_NAME>_HOST_PORT format.
      • dbDriverClass: Fully qualified DB driver class name. Refer to Adding custom classes to the agent for adding driver jar to agent.
      • dbUser: DB username (typically passed from setup script)
      • dbPassword: DB password (typically passed from setup script)
      • dbVerticalModel: true if each metric is present in its own row. The default value is false, which should be used when all metrics are present in a single row, where each column represents a metric. For more info refer to DB Vertical Model
      • dbAdditionalConnectionParams - Any additional connection params to be passed to the DB connection.
    • JSON data source
      • server - The protocol, hostname and port sections of the HTTP URL to query for metrics (typically passed from setup script) It is recommended to name the variable using <INTEGRATION_NAME>_HOST_PORT format.
      • url: The path to query metrics. For example, if the metrics are exposed via http://localhost:9090/node/stats then server should be http://localhost:9090 and url should be /node/stats.
      • basicHttpAuthUsername: Username for HTTP Basic authentication (typically passed from setup script)
      • basicHttpAuthPassword: Password for HTTP Basic authentication (typically passed from setup script)
      • smileFormat: true if response is in smile format. The default value is false.
      • async: Set to true to fetch metrics asynchronously. The default value is false. Should be set to true for sources that can take a long time to respond, so that it does not block collection from other sources.
      • jsonHandlerClass: Optional JSON handler class to parse the JSON output. The class should extend CustomJsonHandler.
  • require: This section specifies the condition that should be true to fetch the metrics defined in this YAML. You can specify multiple require sections. Only when all the conditions are true the metrics specified in this YAML will be collected. Typically these are version checks or checks based on custom logic. You can specify the condition class and pass values to the condition class from YAML using

  • accept: Specifies the condition based on tag value for the observation to be collected. For more info see Process or Skip Metrics based on Tag Values

    • name: Name of the tag whose value has to be compared.
    • value: The value to compare. This could be the actual string to compare or values derived using func, json, jmx or variable placeholder (${})
  • ignore: Specifies the condition based on tag value. When the condition is met the observation will be ignored. Opposite of accept. Similar to accept, you can specify name and value.

  • observation: This section contains the list of metric sources and the metrics/tags to be collected from these sources. For each observation, we can specify the following parameters:

    • name: Name for identifying the observation. Should be unique within an integration. The name should reflect the metrics being queried in this observation. e.g. cache.tomcat - the metrics defined in this observation are related to tomcat cache, datasource.tomcat.7 - Tomcat 7 data source metrics.
    • metricNamespace: Namespace for all the metrics collected under this integration. This should be unique across all integrations. For example, if you are monitoring Jetty metrics, then the namespace will be jetty for the Jetty related metrics.
    • objectName: JMX ObjectName pattern to query. You can extract tags from the key properties of the object name. For more info, refer to Extracting tags from JMX ObjectName. Used only with JMX data source.
    • path: JSONPath-like expression for the objects that should be queried in the response. You can extract tags from the path using placeholders. For more info refer to Extracting tags from JSON Path. Used only with JSON data source.
    • rowIdColumns: used only with DB data source. When using horizontal model, each row will typically represent one entity. To collect metrics of counter type, agent has to compare previous measurement with current one and it can do that only if it can uniquely identify each row. So this parameter should define comma-separated list of column names (as produced by SQL query) that should be used to identify each row. If it is not defined properly it can lead to unexpected results as agent has to internally aggregate rows that appear to be the same entity. If no counter metrics are used or if vertical model is used, it can be left empty.
    • singleRowResult: alternative for counter metrics in horizontal model when no columns can be used in rowIdColumns. Its value should be set to true if you are sure the query will always return a single row. In such case Agent will always compare freshly recorded values in that single row with values from the previous measurement. If the query results in more than one row, Agent will generate an error.

    Each observation has a list of metrics and tags under metric and tag sections.

    • Each metric can have following fields:
      • name: Name of the metric. Use dot-separated hierarchical naming. Metric names will be automatically prefixed with metric namespace. For example, cache related metrics in Tomcat integration are named like cache.lookups, cache.size, cache.size.max, etc.
      • source: The attribute name to query in the metric source. The metric source can also be a function. Refer to Derived Metrics
      • label: Short description of the metric
      • type: Metric data type. Refer to Metric Data Types for possible values
      • description: Long description of the metric
      • send: false if this metric has to be sent. The default value is true. Set to false for metrics that are extracted as tags or used in the calculation of other metrics.
      • stateful: true if the collected metric values have to be preserved across collections. The default value is false. For example, can be set to true in the case of derived metrics where we need to compare with old values.
      • pctls: Comma separated percentile values to be calculated from this metric. e.g. 99,95,50. For more info refer to Percentiles
      • agentAggregation: Used to override the default aggregation function. When some of the extracted tags are omitted in the definition, the agent aggregates the metric on the omitted tag using the aggregation function based on type. By default, counters are aggregated by SUM and gauges by AVG. This could be overridden by using this field. Valid values are SUM, AVG, MAX, MIN, DISCARD.
      • unit: Unit of measurement for this metric e.g. ms, bytes, etc.
    • Each tag must have name and value fields:
      • name: Name of the tag. Unlike metric names, tag names won't be prefixed with metric namespace. If a tag denotes the same entity, tag names can be reused across YAML files in an integration. For example, tag is reused across Tomcat integration which represents the web app name.
      • value: Reference to the name from where this tag has to be extracted. This could be a metric name defined under the observation or the placeholder in path or objectName. For metric, use eval function to refer to metric. You can also use built-in functions to modify the values before sending to output.

Metric Data Types

Sematext App Agent supports the following metric data types:

  • gauge, long_gauge: Gauge is a metric that represents a single numerical value that can arbitrarily go up and down. Agent reports gauge metrics as their current value. Examples for gauge metric are current memory usage, current thread count, etc. Default aggregation is AVG.
  • counter, long_counter: Counter is a cumulative metric that represents a single monotonically increasing counter whose value can only increase or be reset to zero on restart. Agent reports counter metrics as delta between current and previous measurement. Examples for counter metric are number of requests served, cache hits, etc. Default aggregation is SUM.
  • text: Textual data type. Examples are database name, webapp name, etc. Typically used for metrics that have to be extracted as tags.

Derived Metrics

Derived metrics are calculated by applying built-in or custom functions on other metrics. Derived metrics can be used to manipulate the values of metrics before sending them. Some of the use cases are to extract a number from a string value or derive a metric as a function of 2 attributes.

For derived metrics, the source field of the metric has to be of the format: func:<function-name>(<params>).

  • func: Denotes that metric has to be derived by applying the function specified.
  • <function-name>: Function to invoke. In the case of built-in functions, just function name is enough. For custom functions, specify the function name with fully qualified classname. e.g. func:com.sematext.spm.client.solr.CalculateWarmupTime(warmupTime,searcherName). The function class should extend com.sematext.spm.client.observation.CalculationFunction
  • <params>: Optional params to function. All params are of type String and will be interpreted and converted accordingly in the function implementation.

By default, the result of the function will be interpreted as a gauge. If the result is counter, then prepend the function reference with as_counter. For example,

  - name: cache.lookups
    source: as_counter:func:ExtractLongFromMapString(Value,cumulative_lookups)
    type: counter
    label: cache lookups
    description: lookups count
    stateful: true

Some of the built-in functions can be applied to tags also.


Sematext App Agent can automatically calculate percentiles for a metric and send it. The percentiles to be calculated can be specified using pctls field. Below example will calculate 99th, 95th and 50th percentile of metric requestCount and send it in attributes request.count.pctl.99, request.count.pctl.95 and request.count.pctl.50 respectively.

  - name: request.count
    source: requestCount
    type: double_gauge
    stateful: true
    pctls: 99,95,50
    label: request count

DB Vertical Model

In case of DB source, the metrics to be collected can be present in a single row or in multiple rows, with each row containing the metric name and value. In such cases, you can set dbVerticalModel to true. For example, for the table below, dbVerticalModel will be set to true.

│ Query                                   │        335485 │
│ SelectQuery                             │        335485 │
│ FileOpen                                │           149 │
│ ReadBufferFromFileDescriptorRead        │           257 │
│ ReadBufferFromFileDescriptorReadBytes   │         23956 │
│ WriteBufferFromFileDescriptorWrite      │             1 │
│ WriteBufferFromFileDescriptorWriteBytes │            59 │

Specifying Variables in YAML

The App Agent lets you to specify variables in YAML. The variable names can be referenced using ${VARIABLE_NAME} notation. The placeholders will be replaced by the agent with respective arguments passed from setup-spm script. It is recommended to use uppercase for the variable names. For example, in the below YAML, the variables will be replaced accordingly when passed from setup-spm script. If the variable is not passed in setup-spm script, it will be replaced by an empty string.

type: db
  query: SELECT * FROM metrics;
  dbUrl: jdbc:clickhouse://${SPM_MONITOR_CLICKHOUSE_DB_HOST_PORT}/system
sudo bash /opt/spm/bin/setup-spm  --monitoring-token d0add288-0a0f-46bb-9e1a-4928db5200e7  --app-type clickhouse   \
    --agent-type standalone      --SPM_MONITOR_CLICKHOUSE_DB_USER ''      --SPM_MONITOR_CLICKHOUSE_DB_PASSWORD '' \

Extracting Tags from JMX ObjectName

JMX object name consists of two parts, the domain and the key properties. For example, in the case of JVM memory pool, each pool has its own JMX object name instance, where the key name refers to pool name. The instances are java.lang:type=MemoryPool,name=Code Cache, java.lang:type=MemoryPool,name=Metaspace, etc. The pool name can be extracted as tag by specifying the objectName pattern as java.lang:type=MemoryPool,name=${poolName} and mapping poolName placeholder to the tag in tag definition of observation as shown below.

- name: jvmMemoryPool
    metricNamespace: jvm
    objectName: java.lang:type=MemoryPool,name=${poolName}
      - name: jvm.memory.pool
        value: ${poolName}

Typically the keys for a given ObjectName pattern are static. In the case of dynamic keys add * at the end of pattern for matching all object names. For example, refer to Tomcat Datasource YAML

Extracting Tags from JSON Path

For JSON data source, path specifies the set of objects which should be monitored. For each placeholder (defined with ${...}) any value will be accepted (while also storing the value of that placeholder). In the example below, if some setup has 3 indices (say 'A', 'B' and 'C'), each with 2 shards, meaning a total of 6 shards, there will be a total of 6 matching objects found by this path expression (regardless of which nodes which shards are on, since the total number of shards is 6 anyway). For each of those 6 objects, placeholder values will be available for use in tag definitions (notice how the value of "" and "es.index" tags are specified - they will be resolved to exact values matching one of those 6 objects).

path: $.indices.${indexName}.shards.${shard}[?(@.routing.node=${nodeId})].merges
  - name:
    value: ${nodeId}

  - name: es.index
    value: ${indexName}

Adding Custom Classes to the Agent

The App Agent allows loading custom classes (driver libraries or classes for custom functions/conditions). The jars can be placed under /opt/spm/spm-monitor/collectors/<integration>/lib directory. Jars placed in this location will be loaded during agent startup.

Process or Skip Metrics based on Tag Values

For a given metric source specified in an observation, you can skip or accept metric values from selected tag values. This could be done by specifying the ignore/accept conditions. Each condition takes the tag name to compare and the value. The value can be a literal string, jmx (JMX attribute), json (JSONPath), or ${} setup variable placeholder. For example, in the case of JVM Memory Pool config, you can skip metrics from a specific pool ( say Metaspace) using the following YAML:

- name: jvmMemoryPool
    metricNamespace: jvm
    objectName: java.lang:type=MemoryPool,name=${poolName}
      - name: jvm.memory.pool
        value: ${poolName}
      name: jvm.memory.pool
      value: Metaspace

Process or Skip YAMLs based on Conditions

There are use cases where you might need to skip fetching all metrics defined in a YAML file based on some conditions like application version, installation type, etc. This condition can be specified in the require section. You can specify the condition class and pass values to the condition class using classname and value fields. The condition class should extend from com.sematext.spm.client.observation.BeanConditionCheck. The agent provides a built-in com.sematext.spm.client.observation.BaseVersionConditionCheck base class for version check based conditions. You can extend from this class and write your implementation to return the actual version. The value field for version checks can take a specific version or ranges. Example values are 7, 23.1.16, 0.17-1.33.9 (match any version between specified range), *-1.0 (any version till 1.0), 1.0-* (any version greater than 1.0). In the below example, the agent fetches the old searcher metrics only for Solr version 1 to 6. com.sematext.spm.client.solr.SolrVersionCheck is custom condition class that extends com.sematext.spm.client.observation.BaseVersionConditionCheck and reads the version by querying specific JMX attributes.

type: jmx
  - className: com.sematext.spm.client.solr.SolrVersionCheck
    values: 1-6

  - name: searcher_solrOld
    metricNamespace: solr
    objectName: solr/${core}:type=searcher,*

How to group metrics in YAML file

It is recommended to logically group multiple metrics under a single YAML file based on what kind of metrics are collected. For example, in Tomcat all Thread Pool related metrics are grouped under jmx-thread-pool.yml and in MySQL all binlog metrics are grouped under db--binlog-stats-status.yml.

If a single SQL query or URL returns multiple different groups of metrics, they can still be grouped under different YAML files with same query or URL as source. The agent caches the responses internally and does not issue multiple requests to fetch data from same query/URL when used across multiple YAML files (the agent ensures a single unique collection query is executed only once). For example, in case of MySQL, SHOW /*!50002 GLOBAL */ STATUS query is used in db-handler-stats-status.yml, db-command-stats-status.yml, db--binlog-stats-status.yml, etc. The agent will execute SHOW /*!50002 GLOBAL */ STATUS query only once and uses the cached result to extract the values for metrics specified in the above YAML files.