If you want to contribute code to xrpl-rust
, the following sections describe
how to set up your developer environment.
Getting started with Rust and xrpl-rust
is easy. To install rust
follow these steps:
:curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh
Update rust using
and install a few development dependencies:// Rustup rustup update rustup component add rustfmt rustup component add clippy-preview // Cargo cargo install cargo-audit
To run linting and other checks, xrpl-rust
This should already be setup thanks to
To run the linter:
cargo fmt
Note that the formatter will automatically run via pre-commit hook
To run the linter:
cargo clippy
Note that the linter will automatically run via pre-commit hook
To run tests:
# Test the core feature for no_std
cargo test --no-default-features --features core,models,utils
# Test all features enabled
cargo test --all-features
Note that the tests will automatically run via pre-commit hook
You can see the complete reference documentation at
You can also generate them locally using cargo
cargo doc
To test dependencies for known security advisories, run:
cargo audit
Bug reports are welcome. Please create an issue using the default issue template. Fill in all information including a minimal reproducible code example. Every function in the library comes with such an example and can adapted to look like the following for an issue report:
// Required Dependencies
use xrpl::core::keypairs::derive_keypair;
use xrpl::core::keypairs::exceptions::XRPLKeypairsException;
// Provided Variables
let seed: &str = "sn259rEFXrQrWyx3Q7XneWcwV6dfL";
let validator: bool = false;
// Expected Result
let tuple: (String, String) = (
// Operation
match derive_keypair(seed, validator) {
Ok(seed) => assert_eq!(tuple, seed),
Err(e) => match e {
XRPLKeypairsException::InvalidSignature => panic!("Fails unexpectedly"),
_ => (),
This format makes it easy for maintainers to replicate and test against.
- Your changes should have unit and/or integration tests.
- New functionality should include a minimal reproducible sample.
- Your changes should pass the linter.
- Your code should pass all the actions on GitHub.
- Open a PR against
and ensure that all CI passes. - Get a full code review from one of the maintainers.
- Merge your changes.