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行列式入门 (An introduction to determinants)

介绍 (About what is the book?)

这是一本关于行列式的书. 行列式是一个初等的, 有用的工具. 行列式在现在不如在过去那么重要了, 但学习行列式不是不好的. 行列式在代数, 微积分, 几何是有用的. 于是, 我写了本书.
This is a book about determinants. Determinants are an elementary but useful device. Determinants are not as important now as they were in the past, but it is not bad to learn determinants. Determinants are useful in algebra, calculus and geometry. That is the reason for which I penned this book.

我假定您有中学代数基础 (包括但不限于有理数, 实数, 代数式, 2 元 1 次方程组, 整式的加减乘, 因式分解, 分式, 1 元 1 次不等式, 常量与变量, 函数, 2 次根式, 1 元 2 次方程; 我列不完). 我希望本书不会是难的, 但是, 因为我几乎无法作实验 (用我的书教初学者行列式), 故我只能希望如此.
I assume that the reader is familiar with elementary algebra (whose topics include but are not limited to rational numbers, real numbers, algebraic expressions, systems of linear equations with 2 unknowns, basic operations of polynomials, factorisation, rational expressions, linear inequalities with 1 unknown, constants and variables, functions, square roots, quadratic equations with 1 unknown; I am sorry that I cannot name all). I hope that the book is not too hard, but I can only hope so, because I can hardly verify my guess (= I do not have the opportunity to teach beginners determinants with this book).

本书有一些创新, 但不多, 也不重要.
There are novel ideas in this book, but there are just a few, and they do not seem really to matter.

若您发现本书的错误, 请使我知道它. 谢谢.
If there is any mistake in this book, please do not hesitate to tell me about it. Thanks.

这是封面; 我从这儿抄来的. 副标题 "或 376 分了解行列式" 的数字没有什么特别的意思; "版本 2π, 2024" 也没有什么特别的意思. 这些是孩子不懂事儿瞎写的.
Here is the cover of the book, which I copied from this project. The subtitle "or determinants in 376 minutes" does not signify anything special, and neither does "Version 2π, 2024". I wrote them on the cover... "mischievously".


Mi promesas, ke mi ne uzis enhavojn generitajn de artefarita intelekto por verki ĉi tiun libron.
I promise that I did not use contents generated by artificial intelligence to write this book.

想看书? (How to read the book)

关于著作权 (About the copyright)

我用 0BSD 协议发布了本书:
I made this book available under 0BSD:

Copyright © 2024 Determinantulo

Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted.

The software is provided "as is" and the author disclaims all warranties with regard to this software including all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness. In no event shall the author be liable for any special, direct, indirect, or consequential damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or profits, whether in an action of contract, negligence or other tortious action, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of this software.

我给一个汉语翻译作为参考 (我从这儿复制过来的):
(Here is a Chinese translation of the licence; I do not have to retranslate the following text into English, do I?)

著作权 © 2024 Determinantulo

特此授予出于任何目的使用、复制、修改和/或分发本软件的许可, 无论是否收费.

本软件按 "原样" 提供, 作者不承担与本软件有关的所有保证, 包括对适销性和适用性的所有默示保证. 在任何情况下, 作者均不对任何特殊的、直接的、间接的或后果性的损害或因失去使用、数据或利润而导致的任何损害负责, 无论是在合同诉讼、疏忽或其他诉讼中与本软件的使用或性能有关.

(注: 虽然本项目主要是一本书, 但因本书是用由纯文本文件作成的代码文件生成的, 故本书与生成本书的代码也可被认为是 "软件".)
(Note that this project is basically a book, but because this book was generated by source code files in plain text, this book, along with the code generating this book, can be also considered as "software".)

通俗地, 您可以自由地用、改、发我的书, 且您不必标出本书的来源 (您当然也不必保留著作权声明); 不过, 若出了问题, 则我这儿没有 "售后", 且您必须自己负责 (法律地).
Briefly, you can use, modify and distribute my book without interference or restriction, and you do not have to declare from where you get this book (and you do not have to preserve the notice of copyright, either); however, there is no warranty, so if you cause any trouble, you will be the one who will be responsible.

本仓库的艺术作品不一定用本书所用的协议. 您已被提醒.
La arkverkoj en ĉi tiu deponejo ne nepre uzas la permesilon, kiun ĉi tiu libro uzas. Vi estis avertita.
The artworks in this repository do not necessarily use the licence that this book uses. You have been warned.

关于书的标识 (About the emblem of the book)

我感谢 Petrica 为本书作了一个 VTuber 风格的标识:
Mi dankas Petrica pro fari VTuber-stilan emblemon por ĉi tiu libro:
I thank Petrica for making a VTuber-fashioned emblem for this book:

可在 dokumentaro 了解本书的更多情报.
Multaj informoj estas en dokumentaro.
More information is in dokumentaro ("documentation").
