Sometimes, you have an election running, and unfortunately, you need to change the configuration. That shouldn't happen, but in practice it can happen. Usually, that means you need to start the election from the begining. That's a reasonable solution, but because in Sequent Tech we want to be flexible, we want to provide alternatives in case you need them.
These are the actions that we currently support:
- Change question's maximum number of candidates that a user can choose and the number of winners candidates (1)
- Remove candidate (2)
- Add candidate (2)
- Change candidate's category (2)
- Verify the results of an election
More actions can be easily incorporated in the future as needed.
Options marked with (1) mean that the change can be applied without creating a new election. This means that what needs to change is only the election configuration in for ballot_box, and the configuration used for calculating the results with tally-pipes.
Options marked with (2) mean that a new election is needed. In that case, the results of the two elections need to be consolidated to obtain the final results.
The script allows you to:
- check that the CSV with the updates has been correctly applied
This is useful if you have manually applied some updates. This script will check if the updates you have registered in the "updates CSV" are exactly the only updates applied, and if they have been applied.
- generate or list the actions, commands, or configuration files to apply the updates in sequent_election and tally-pipes
Given an "updates CSV", it can generate list of actions that need to be taken for the yet unapplied changes. It can also generate the configuration files associated with the actions, and even list commands that need to be executed.
The updates CSV format needs to be strictly followed in order for the script to function correctly. Using a CSVs format allows you to generate it using any tool you want (google docs, another tool, libreoffice, etc), and allows you to register the changes with completitude and in an effective way. You can even use the same file yourself to automatically generate a document describing the updates.
The format is very simple: A single table, with a list of columns describing some data, and each update is written in a single row. The file is processed by taking each row.
mkvirtualenv misc-tools -p $(which python3)
workon misc-tools
pip install -r requirements.txt -u updates.csv -c config.json --action check -u updates.csv -c config.json --action show_ballot_box_commands -u updates.csv -c config.json --action write_tally_pipes_files --dest-dir /tmp/tally-pipes-config
Once the election results have been calculated, a zip file with the results can be created which can be used by election authorities to reproduce the results. In order to create the zip, execute on an sequent server, from user ballotbox, on misc-tools:
python3 -c config/config_example.json -e /path/to/folder -i /path/to/election-ids.txt -p <PASSWORD> -a create_verifiable_results
This will create a zip file called on path /path/to/folder with password , for elections with the election ids listed on file /path/to/election-ids.txt
Then, copy to an election authority, and unzip it on a folder (example: /path/to/folder) and, from user eorchestra, on /home/eorchestra/misc-tools, execute:
$ python3 -e /path/to/folder -a verify_results
If the verification is successful, a message "27 election VERIFIED" will be shown (one of those messages per election id). If there is a verification error for an election id, a message like "27 election FAILED verification" will be shown.