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Releases: serverless/enterprise

Serverless Framework Enterprise 0.12.0

13 Jun 16:40
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Doc updates include:

  • Added support for email and slack notifications for insights alerts
  • Testing framework and new command

Serverless Framework Enterprise 0.11.0

13 Jun 16:38
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Doc updates include

  • Output variables

Serverless Framework Enterprise 0.10.0

20 May 18:56
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Doc updates include:

  • Added support for deployment profiles
  • Migrating existing AWS Access Roles to deployment profiles
  • Added support for generic secrets in deployment profiles

Serverless Framework Enterprise 0.9.0

01 May 22:35
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Custom safeguards in dashboard - Adds support for defining custom javascript safeguards in the Serverless Framework Enterprise dashboard.

Invocation logs in error details page - Adds invocation logs to the error metrics and new error alert. A note as added to the docs about updated permissions to access CloudWatch and optionally disable the feature.

Safeguard output - The safeguard output summary and details have been updated for better readability.

Serverless Framework Enterprise v0.8.0

29 Mar 15:22
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Safeguards - added a new "Safeguards" section to the dashboard to centrally manage the Safeguard Policies applicable to all services in the tenant during a deployment.
Safeguards API - updates the API response methods for Safeguard methods.

Serverless Framework Enterprise v0.7.0

25 Mar 16:28
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Application View - updated dashboard to include new combined application, service and service instance view. Framework and Enterprise Plugin updates are required.

Serverless Insights now supported in

  • us-east-2
  • us-west-2
  • eu-west-1
  • eu-west-2
  • ap-northeast-1
  • ap-southeast-1
  • ap-southeast-2

Serverless Framework Enterprise v0.6.0

18 Feb 16:31
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Serverless Secrets - Secure serverless application lifecycle operations by issuing temporary access keys to deploy your services to cloud platforms.

Serverless Framework Enterprise v0.5.0

31 Jan 15:45
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Doc updates

  • Serverless Insights
  • Safeguard Safeguards : Resolution instructions for Policy check failures
  • Getting Started guide
  • Upgrade guide for existing Services

Serverless Framework Enterprise v0.4.0

21 Jan 18:51
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Serverless Insights - Metrics and alerts for your serverless applications. Serverless Insights help you monitor and optimize your serverless applications.

Serverless Safeguards - Pre-configured operational and security best practices. Serverless Safeguards performs a series of policy checks when running the serverless deploy command.

Serverless Framework Enterprise v0.3.0

17 Sep 15:57
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