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Build The World Notes

andy diller edited this page Jun 2, 2022 · 4 revisions

In order to put some notes down about this thing.

Unxy Help

mkdir -p tiny_build && cd tiny_build
mkdir -p output/{PROGRESS,RPMS,SRPMS}
# get the irix_chroot.tar.gz
sudo tar xvzf irix_chroot.tar.gz
# test your chroot
sudo chroot ./chroot /bin/csh
# run some base commands, like ls
# then switch to sgugshell and run more base commands
# get the
# get the releasepackages.lst
# git clone sgug-rse to ~/sgug-rse.git and check out wip-testing or 0.0.8alpha etc
cp releasepackages.lst ~/sgug-rse.git/.
bash -x /usr/people/edodd/btw/tiny_build/rpmbuild
# install the rpms you've made
#   NOTE you have to use full paths!
sudo rpm -ivh  --root=/usr/people/edodd/btw/tiny_build/chroot output/RPMS/noarch/*.rpm output/RPMS/mips/*.rpm --nodeps
# go back into the chroot and tarball up /usr/sgug
sudo chroot ./chroot /bin/csh
cd /usr
tar cvzf sgug_whatever.tar.gz sgug
# copy this somewhere like /usr
cp /path/to/tiny_build/chroot/sgug_whatever.tar.gz /usr/.
# log out of everything on this box
# log in, do NOT run sgugshell, su as root
cd /usr
mv sgug sgug_working
gunzip sgug_whatever.tar.gz
# run some tests. tdnf should work.

if tdnf fails or whatever, you'll want to run this

sudo cp -Ra /usr/etc chroot/usr/.
sudo cp -Ra /etc chroot/.
sudo cp -Ra /usr/sgug/etc/yum.repos.d chroot/usr/sgug/etc/.