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Linux Cheatsheet for Ubuntu Server

This cheatsheet is a quick reference for common Linux commands on Ubuntu Server. It covers basic operations, system administration, networking, and more. Use it as a handy reference when working with Linux commands on Ubuntu Server.


  • pwd: Display the name of the current working directory.
  • cd <directory>: Change the current working directory.
  • ls: List the files and directories in the current working directory.

File management

  • touch <file>: Create a new, empty file.
  • rm <file>: Remove a file.
  • rm -r <directory>: Remove a directory and all of its contents.
  • cp <source> <destination>: Copy a file or directory.
  • mv <source> <destination>: Move a file or directory.

File content

  • cat <file>: Display the contents of a file.
  • less <file>: Display the contents of a file one page at a time.

Process management

  • top: Display real-time information about the processes running on the system, including the CPU and memory usage of each process.
  • ps: Display information about the processes running on the system.
  • kill <pid>: Terminate the process with the specified process ID (PID).

Package management

  • apt update: Update the list of available packages and their versions.
  • apt upgrade: Upgrade installed packages to their latest versions.
  • apt install <package>: Install a new package.
  • apt remove <package>: Remove an installed package.

Text editing

  • nano <file>: Edit the specified file using the Nano text editor.
  • vi <file>: Edit the specified file using the Vi text editor.

Archive management

  • tar -cvf <archive>.tar <files>: Create a tar archive containing the specified files.
  • tar -xvf <archive>.tar: Extract the files from a tar archive.
  • gzip <file>: Compress a file using gzip.
  • gunzip <file>.gz: Decompress a file that was compressed using gzip.

Network configuration

  • ifconfig: Display the network configuration for all network interfaces.
  • ping <host>: Send a test packet to a network host to see if it is reachable.

System information

  • uname -a: Display information about the current system, including the kernel version and machine hardware name.
  • uptime: Display the amount of time that the system has been running.
  • free -m: Display the amount of free and used memory in the system, in megabytes.
  • df -h: Display the amount of free and used space on the system's disk drives, in human-readable format.

Users and groups

  • whoami: Display the current user's username.
  • id: Display information about the current user, including the user's UID and primary group.
  • groupadd <group>: Create a new group.
  • useradd <user>: Create a new user.
  • usermod -a -G <group> <user>: Add a user to a group.


  • chmod <permissions> <file>: Change the permissions of a file.
  • chown <user>:<group> <file>: Change the owner and group of a file.


  • grep <pattern> <files>: Search for a pattern in one or more files.
  • find <path> <expression>: Search for files matching a specified expression.

Environment variables

  • echo $<variable>: Display the value of an environment variable.
  • export <variable>=<value>: Set the value of an environment variable.


  • bzip2 <file>: Compress a file using bzip2.
  • bunzip2 <file>.bz2: Decompress a file that was compressed using bzip2.
  • xz <file>: Compress a file using xz.
  • unxz <file>.xz: Decompress a file that was compressed using xz.


  • lpr <file>: Print a file.
  • lpq: Display the status of the print queue.

System log

  • tail -f /var/log/syslog: Display the contents of the syslog in real time.

Archiving and backup

  • dd if=<input_file> of=<output_file>: Create an exact copy of a file.
  • tar -czvf <archive>.tar.gz <files>: Create a tar archive and compress it with gzip.
  • tar -czvf <archive>.tar.bz2 <files>: Create a tar archive and compress it with bzip2.

Remote access

  • ssh <user>@<host>: Connect to a remote host using SSH.
  • scp <source> <user>@<host>:<destination>: Copy a file to a remote host using SCP.

Text processing

  • sort <file>: Sort the lines of a file.
  • uniq <file>: Remove duplicate lines from a file.
  • wc <file>: Count the number of lines, words, and characters in a file.

Systemd service management

  • systemctl start <service>: Start a Systemd service.
  • systemctl stop <service>: Stop a Systemd service.
  • systemctl restart <service>: Restart a Systemd service.
  • systemctl status <service>: Display the status of a Systemd service.


  • ip link: Display information about the system's network interfaces.
  • ip addr: Display information about the system's network addresses.
  • ip route: Display the system's routing table.
  • ip neigh: Display the system's neighbor cache (i.e., the mapping of IP addresses to MAC addresses).


  • nice <command>: Run a command with a lower priority.
  • renice <priority> -p <pid>: Change the priority of an existing process.

Scheduling tasks

  • at <time>: Schedule a command to be executed at a specified time.
  • crontab -e: Edit the current user's crontab file (used to schedule recurring tasks).

System monitoring

  • vmstat: Display information about the system's memory, processes, and swap space.
  • mpstat: Display information about the system's processors.
  • iostat: Display statistics about the system's input/output performance.
  • sar: Collect and display system activity information.

Text manipulation

  • cut -d <delimiter> -f <field> <file>: Extract a field from a file that is delimited by a specified character.
  • sed 's/<pattern>/<replacement>/' <file>: Replace a pattern in a file with a specified string.


  • ssh-keygen: Generate a new SSH key pair.
  • chpasswd: Change the password for a user.

Performance monitoring

  • uptime: Display the system's uptime (i.e., the amount of time it has been running).
  • top: Display information about the processes running on the system, including the CPU and memory usage of each process.
  • ps aux: Display a detailed list of processes running on the system.
  • free -m: Display information about the system's memory usage, including the amount of free and used memory.
  • iostat -x: Display extended statistics about the system's input/output performance.
  • mpstat -P ALL: Display information about the utilization of each CPU on the system.
  • sar -u: Collect and display information about the CPU utilization on the system.

System configuration

  • dpkg -l: List the packages installed on the system.
  • dpkg -L <package>: List the files installed by a package.
  • update-alternatives --config <name>: Select a configuration for an alternative (i.e., a program that provides multiple versions of a command).

File system

  • fsck <device>: Check a file system for errors and repair any that are found.
  • tune2fs <device>: Modify the parameters of an ext2 or ext3 file system.
  • mount: Display the currently mounted file systems.
  • umount <device>: Unmount a file system.
  • fdisk -l: Display the partition table for the system's disk drives.


  • alias <alias>='<command>': Create an alias for a command.
  • history: Display a history of recently executed commands.
  • cal: Display a calendar.
  • nohup <command> &: Run a command in the background and allow it to continue running after the terminal is closed.
  • tar -czvf <archive>.tar.xz <files>: Create a tar archive and compress it with xz.
  • time <command>: Measure the amount of time it takes to run a command.
  • whois <domain>: Look up information about a domain name.
  • tee <file>: Redirect the output of a command to both the terminal and a file.
  • watch <command>: Execute a command repeatedly and display the output.
  • which <command>: Display the path of the executable file associated with a command.
  • time <command>: Measure the amount of time it takes to run a command.