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How to use tools to process videos in SimBA

We have developed video and image processing tools and incorporated them into the overall SimBA pipeline. However, many of the tools are useful on their own or in "one-off" situations. To make these easily accessible, the tools have been incorporated into their own space within the GUI, and are described below.

Note: As of 07/2023, many of the video processing tool windows in SimBA includes a GPU checkbox. If you have an NVIDEA GPU on your computer, you can tick this checkbox to perform the video processing function on the GPU, rather than CPU, and potentially save a significant amount of time. For an indication of the potential time-savings by function, see THIS table.

Shorten Videos

This is a tool used to trim video lengths. The tool contains two different methods: Method 1 and Method 2.

Note: To trim multiple videos at specified time stamps, you can use the batch pre-processing tools in SimBA or the clip multiple videos function.

Method 1

Use Method 1 to trim both the beginning and the end of the video.

Let's say we have a 2-minute-long video, and we want to get rid of the first 10 seconds, and the last 5 seconds. We would start our video on at 00:00:10, and end the video at 00:01:55.

  1. First, click on Browse File to select the video to trim.

  2. Enter the start time in the Start at: entry box, in this case it will be 00:00:10

  3. Enter the end time in End at: entry box, in this case it will be 00:01:55. The settings should look like the image below.


  1. Click Cut Video to trim the video and a new shorter video will be generated. The new shorter video will have a name of Name of original video + _shorten and will be located in the same folder as the original video.


Method 2

Method 2 cuts of the beginning of the video.

Let's say we have a 2 minute long video and we want to get rid of the first 20 seconds from the start of the video.

  1. Enter the amount of time that needs to be trimmed from the start of the video in Seconds:, in this case it will be 20


  1. Click Cut Video to trim video and a new shorten video will be generated, the new video will have a name of Name of original video + _shorten and will be located in the same folder as the original video.

Clip video into multiple videos

This tool can help users to cut the videos into multiple clips/section.

  1. Click on the Clip video into multiple videos from the Tools section.

  1. Select the video that you want to split/clip by clicking Browse File

  1. Put in the number of output clips/sections that you want in # of clips, and click Confirm. Please note that if you put in the wrong number the first time, you can re-enter the number and click Confirm to change the table.

  1. Then enter the Start Time and Stop Time in the following format HH:MM:SS. For example, for a minute and 20 seconds it will be 00:01:20.

  2. Once the table has been filled, click Clip video and the video will be output on the same folder path/ directory of your original video.

Crop Video

This is a tool to crop videos.

  1. First, click on Browse File to select a video to crop.

  2. Click on Crop Video and the following window Select ROI will pop up.

  1. Use your mouse to Left Click on the video and drag the rectangle bounding box to contain the area of the video you wish to keep. You can always left click and drag on the video to recrop your video

  1. Hit Enter twice and SimBA will crop the video. The new video will have a name of Name of original video + _cropped and will be located in the same folder as the original video.

Fixed Crop Videos

This tool allows the user to crop once and apply the same dimension to the rest of the videos in the folder.

  1. Under Video directory, select the input video folder by clicking Browse Folder.

  2. Then, select an output folder.

  3. Click on Confirm and an image will pop up, use your mouse to Left Click on the video and drag the rectangle bounding box to contain the area of the video you wish to keep. You can always left click and drag on the video to recrop your video

  4. Hit Enter twice and SimBA will crop all the videos in the folder with the same coordinate. The new videos will have a name of Name of original video + _cropped and will be located in the output folder.

Multi-crop videos

This is a tool to used to multi-crop videos. For example, if you recorded four different environments with a single camera, you can use this tool to split single recordings into 4 different videos. This tool operates on all videos in a folder that is defined by the user. The user is required to draw the number of defined rectangles on each of the videos in the specified folder.

  1. First, click on Multi-crop and the following menu will pop-open:


  1. Next to Video Folder, click on Browse Folder and select a folder containing the videos you which to multi-crop.

  2. Next to Output folder, click on Browse Folder and select a folder that should house the cropped output videos.

  3. Next to Video type, type the file format of yout input videos (e.g., mp4, avi etc).

  4. Next to # of crop, type in the number of cropped videos you wich to generate from each single input video (e.g., 4). Click on Crop to proceed. When you click on Crop, the first frame of the first video in the specified folder will be displayed, and the name of the video and rectangle number is printed overlaid:

alt-text-1 6. Left click the mouse and drag from the top left corner to the bottom right corner of the first video you wish to generate. When finished with the first video, press Enter. Repeat this step for the next videos you wish to generate from Video 1. Once Video1 is complete, repeat these steps for all the videos in the user-specified Video Folder.

  1. The cropped output videos will be located in the user-defined Output folder as defined in Step 3.

Downsample video

This is a tool to downsample a video into smaller size and reduce the resolution of the video.

The downsample video tool has two options: Customize Resolution and Default Resolution.

Customize Resolution

Use this tool to downsample video into any height and width.

  1. First, click on Browse File to select a video to downsample.

  2. Then, enter any values in the Height and Width entry boxes.

  1. Click on Downsample to custom resolution to downsample the video. The new video will have a name of Name of original video + _downsampled and will be located in the same folder as the original video.

Default resolution

This tool allows the user to downsample a video quickly.

  1. First, click on Browse File to select a video to downsample.

  2. Tick on one of the resoltion options.

  3. Click on Downsample to default resolution and the video will downsample into the selected resolution. The video will be located in the same folder as the original video.

Get Coordinates (calibrate distance)

This tool is to get the length (millimeter) per pixel of a video.

Let's say we want to find out the metric length per pixel of a video of a mouse in a cage, and we know the width of cage is 130 millimeters (it's a tight one).

  1. First, click on Browse File to select a video.

  2. Enter 130 in the Known length in real life(mm) entry box.

  3. Click on Get Distance, and the following window will pop up.

Note: When the frame is displayed, it may not be shown at the correct aspect ratio. To fix this, drag the window corner to the correct aspect ratio.

  1. Use your mouse to double Left click at the left side of the cage and double Left click again on the right side of the cage. These are the known distance of 130 mm.

Note: You can double click any point again to change the location of the point.

  1. Once two points are selected, hit Esc button. The millimeter per pixel value is printed in the main SimBA interface.

Change formats

This menu includes Change image formats and Change video formats

Change image formats

This tool allows the user to select a folder containing multiple images and convert the formats.

  1. Click on Browse Folder to select a folder that contains multiple images.

  2. Choose the original format of the images in the selected folder.

  3. Choose the desired output image format.

  4. Click on Convert image file format.

Change video format

This tool allows the user to convert the file format of a single or multiple videos.

Convert multiple video file formats

  1. Click on Browse Folder to select the directory that contains the videos that you want to convert.

  2. Enter the original file format (eg: mp4, flv, avi etc.) in the Input format entry box. Note: do not put dots ('.') in the file format name (eg: mp4 or flv, etc).

  3. Enter the desired output format in the Output format entry box .

  4. Click on Convert multiple videos.

Convert single video file format

  1. Click on Browse File to select a video to convert.

  2. Choose one of the following Convert .avi to .mp4 or Convert mp4 into Powerpoint supported format

  3. Click on Convert video format.

  1. Click on Browse File and select a video file.

  2. Click Apply CLAHE. The new video will have a name of CLAHE_ Name of original video. The new file will be in a .avi format will be located in the same folder as the original video.

Superimpose frame numbers on video

This tool creates a video with the frame numbers printed on top of the video.

  1. Click on Superimpose frame numbers on video and a new window will pop up.

  2. Select a video and click on Open.

  3. The new version of the video will be created with the name Name of original video + _frame_no and will be located in the same folder as the original video.

Convert to grayscale

  1. Click on Convert to grayscale and a new window will pop up.

  2. Select video and click Open.

  3. The new greyscale version of the video will be created and have the name Name of original video + _grayscale. The new video will be located in the same folder as the original video.

Change FPS (frame-rate) of videos

Change FPS of a single video

  1. Click on Tools -> Change fps -> Change fps for single video and a new pop up window is displayed.

  2. Click on Browse File and select the video you want to change the FPS for.

  3. In the Output FPS entry-box, enter the FPS of the new video as a number (e.g., 15).

  4. Click the Convert button. A new video is saved in the directory of the input video with the fps_15 filename suffix.

Change FPS of multiple videos

  1. Click on Tools -> Change fps -> Change fps for multiple videos and a new pop up window is displayed.

  2. Click on Browse Folder and select the directory containing the videos you want to change the FPS for.

  3. In the Output FPS entry-box, enter the FPS of the new videos as a number (e.g., 15).

  4. Click the Convert button. New videos are saved in the directory of the input videos with the fps_15 filename suffix.

Create path plots

Use this tool to create a path plot videos from raw pose-estimation data files.

  1. Click on Browse File next to VIDEO PATH and select the video file used to create the pose-estimation data (this is needed get and apply the correct fps and resolution of the output video).

  2. Click on Browse File next to DATA PATH and select the raw output pose-estimation data from the video file (e.g., a DLC-generated H5 or CSV file).

  3. In the BODY-PART entry-box, enter the body-part (e.g., Nose) you which to represent the location of the animal in the path plot video.

  4. In the BACKGROUND COLOR drop-down, select the color you which to represent the background in the path plot video.

  5. In the LINE COLOR drop-down, select the color you which to represent the path of your animal in the path plot video (NOTE: make sure background and line colors are not identical).

  6. In the LINE THICKNESS drop-down, select the thickness of the lines you which to represent the path of your animal in the path plot video.

  7. In the CIRCLE SIZE drop-down, select the size of the circle which represent the current location of the animal in the path plot video.

  8. Click on CREATE PATH PLOT VIDEO. A new path plot video is created in the same directory as the input video with the line_plot file name suffix.

Merge images to video

  1. Click on Browse Folder to select a folder containing multiple frames.

  2. Enter the input image format of the frames. Eg: if the image name is Image001.PNG, enter PNG in the Image format entry box.

  3. Enter the desire output video format. Eg: if the video should be in .mp4 file format, enter mp4 in the Video format entry box.

  4. Enter the desire frames per second in the fps entry box.

  5. Enter the desired bitrate for the video in the Bitrate entry box.

  6. Click on Merge Images to create the video.

Generate gifs

  1. Click on Browse File and select a video to convert to a GIF.

  2. Enter the starting time of the GIF from the video in the Start times(s) entry box.

  3. Enter the duration of the GIF in the Duration(s) entry box.

  4. Enter the size of the GIF in the Width entry box. The output GIF will be scale automatically.

  5. Click on Generate gif to create the gif.

Extract Frames

The Extract frames menu has two options: Extract defined frames, Extract frames, and Extract frames from seq files.

Extract defined Frames

This tool allows users to extract frames from a video by inputting specific start- and end-frame numbers. This is useful if you want to extract a subset of frames from a larger video, without first needing to generate a new video of the desired length.

  1. Click Browse File to select a video.

  2. Enter the starting frame number in the Start Frame entry box.

  3. Enter the ending frame number in the End Frame entry box.

  4. Click on Extract Frames to extract the frames from the Start Frame to the End Frame.

  5. A folder with the video name will be generated and the all the extracted frames will be located in the folder. The frames will be in .png file format.

Extract frames

Use this tool to extract every frame from a single video or multiple videos.

Single video

  1. Click on Browse File to select a video file.

  2. Click on Extract Frames(Single video) to extract every frame from the video.

  3. A folder with the video name will be generated and the all the extracted frames will be located in the folder. The frames will be in .png file format.

Multiple videos

  1. Click on Browse Folder to select the folder with videos.

  2. Click on Extract Frames(Multiple videos) to extract every frame from the video.

  3. Folders with the video name will be generated and the all the extracted frames will be located in the folders. The frames will be in .png file format.

Extract frames from seq files

Use this tool to extract all the frames from a video in seq file format.

  1. Click on Browse File to select a video.

  2. Click on Extract All Frames to extract all the frames from the video.

  3. A folder with the video name will be generated and the all the extracted frames will be located in the folder. The frames will be in .png file format.

Convert . seq files to .mp4 files

Use this tool to convert .seq files to .mp4 files.

  1. Click on Tools, then Change formats, and click on Change .seq to .mp4.

  2. A window will pop up and you can then navigate and select the video folder that contains the mp4's.

  3. The conversion progress can be followed through the progress bar printed in the terminal window.

Re-organize tracking data

Use this tool to re-order the pose-estimation tracking data of multiple files in a folder. For example, you may have some pose-estimation body-part tracking files where the Animal_1_nose is body-part number 1, and some other pose-estimation body-part tracking files where Animal_1_tail_base is body-part number 1. Now you want to re-order the data so that all files contains the same order of tracked body-parts.

  1. Click on Tools, then Re-organize Tracking Data.
  2. In the entry box Data Folder, select the directory containing your pose-estimation tracking files.
  3. Select your pose-estimation tool in the Tracking Tool drop-down menu.
  4. Select the file-format of your tracking data in the File Type drop-down menu.
  5. Click Confirm and the following menu below will pop open. If you have one animal in your tracking data, the menu on the left will show. If you have multiple animals in your tracking data, the menu on the right will show. The image on the right contains an extra column compared to the image on the left, representing the Animal name.

  1. The Current Order sub-menu on represents the column order of the input files. The New Order sub-menu on represents the order which the body-parts should be re-ordered to. Use the drop-down menus to select the new order of the body-parts, then click on Run re-organization.

  2. Your new, re-organized files will be saved in a date-time stamped folder inside the Data Folder selected in Step 2. The new folder will be named something like Reorganized_bp_20210726111127.

Remove body-parts from tracking data

Use this tool to delete user-specified body-parts from pose-estimation tracking data for all files in a folder. For example, you may have pose-estimation body-part tracking files for 16 body-parts, but now you want to get rid of the data for 2 body-parts and keep the other 14.

  1. Click on Tools, then Remove body-parts from tracking data.
  2. In the entry box Data Folder, select the directory containing your pose-estimation tracking files.
  3. Select your pose-estimation tool in the Tracking Tool drop-down menu.
  4. Select the file-format of your tracking data in the File Type drop-down menu.
  5. Select how many body-parts you like to remove from the pose-estimation tracking data files.
  6. Click Confirm and the following menu below will pop open (Note: if you have multiple animals in your pose-estimation files, you will also see a dropdown menu named Animal.) Select the body-parts you would like to remove, and click Run Removal.

  1. Your new files (with the removed body-parts) will be saved in a date-time stamped folder inside the Data Folder selected in Step 2. The new folder will be named something like Reorganized_bp_20210726111127. You can now go ahead and import the files into your SimBA project.

Visualize pose estimation in folder

Use this tool to visualize the pose-estimation of all the files inside a SimBA project directory. This tool can be useful when you have interpolated and/or smoothened and or performed outlier correction on your pose-estimation data at import, and now you want to visualize the results of that interpolation and smoothing inside the .

  1. Click on Tools, then Visualize pose-estimation in folder....
  2. In the Input directory (with csv/parquet files) menu, click bowse and select a folder that contain CSV or parquet files (e.g., the project_folder/csv/input_csv or project_folder/csv/outlier_corrected_movement_location directory of your SimBA project)
  3. In the Output directory (where your videos will be saved) menu, click bowse and select a folder where your videos should be saved (I recommend to choose an empty folder or create a new folder).
  4. In the Circle size entry box, choose the size of the circles denoting the location of your body-parts (e.g., 5)
  5. Often-times, you may want to save time and only create a sample of each input video and not the entire videos. For example, to create 20s samples of each video inside your choosen Input directory, set the Vido putput sample size (s) to 20. To create entire videos (potentially long run-times), set this dropdown to ENTIRE VIDEO(S).
  6. To save further time, we can tell SimBA to create the videos across multiple CPU cores (the more CPU cores, the faster the run-time). To use multiple CPU cores, Set the Core count dropdown to the number of CPU cores you weant to use. The max number will be the number of CPU cores available on your computer.
  7. OPTIONAL: If you want to manually set the colors for each of the animals, click on OPEN ADVANCED SETTINGS and choose the number of animals in your data file. Then use the dropdown menus to set the color of each animal. If you do not set the animal colors using the ADVANCED SETTINGS menu, SimBA will automatically assign colors to each of the body-parts.
  8. Click on the VISUALIZE. You can follow the progress in the main SimBA terminal window.

Temporal join videos

Use this tool to join a single recording represented by multiple video files into a video file.

  1. Click on Tools, then Temporal join videos.
  2. In the INPUT DIRECTORY, click browse and select the directory holding your videos.

NOTE: The video files in the directory have to be sequantuall and numerically named in order for SimBA to know the order. E.g., 1.mp4, 2.mp4...

  1. In the INPUT FORMAT dropdown, select the file format of the input videos.
  2. Click run. A new video file will be created inside the directory selected in Step 2 called concatenated.mp4.

Rotate videos

At times, the camera made have been tilted during a recording which prevents accurate bounding-box cropping and/or messes with our classifiers and now we want to fix this.

  1. To rotate videos, click Tools, then Rotate videos.
  2. In Save directory, select the directory where you want to store your rotated videos.
  3. To rotate several videos, select the directory where the videos live in Rotate videos in directory. Alternatively, to rotate a single video, select the path to the video file in Video path.
  4. Once selected, click the Run button and the interface in the video below pops up. Use the left and right keyboard buttons to rotate the video to the left and right. Once happy, use the ESC button to rotate and save the video in the directory chosen in Step 2.

Concatenate two videos

Use this tool to concatenate two videos into a single video.

  1. In the First video path, click on Browse and select the first video.
  2. In the Second video path, click on Browse and select the second video.
  3. In the Resolution drop-down menu, select the resolution of the output video.

Note 1: Select Video 1 in the Resolution drop-down menu to use the resolution of Video 1 as the resolution of the output video. Note 2: Select Video 2 in the Resolution drop-down menu to use the resolution of Video 2 as the resolution of the output video.

  1. To vertically concatenate the videos, click the Vertical concatenation radio-button. To horizontally concatenate the videos, click the Horizontal concatenation radio-button. The resolution choosen in Step 3 refers to the height or width depending on which type of concatenation (vertical vs horizontal).
  2. Click Run to perform the concatenation. The file-path of the output video will be printed in the main SimBA terminal window (the file will be located in the same directory as the First video path with the _concat.mp4 suffix.

Concatenate multiple videos

Use this tool to concatenate a user-defined number of videos into a single video mosaic of videos.

Begin by selecting how many videos you want to concatenate together in the VIDEOS # drop-down menu and click SELECT. A table, with one row representing each of the videos, will show up titled VIDEO PATHS. Here, click the BROWSE FILE button and select the videos that you want to merge into a single video.

Next, in the JOIN TYPE sub-menu, we need to select how to join the videos together, and we have 4 options:

  • MOSAIC: Creates two rows with half of your choosen videos in each row. If you have an unequal number of videos you want to concatenate, then the bottom row will get an additional blank space.
  • VERTICAL: Creates a single column concatenation with the selected videos.
  • HORIZONTAL: Creates a single row concatenation with the selected videos.
  • MIXED MOSAIC: First creates two rows with half of your choosen videos in each row. The video selected in the Video 1 path is concatenated to the left of the two rows.

Finally, we need to choose the resolution of the videos in the Resolution width and the Resolution height drop-down videos. If choosing the MOSAIC, , VERTICAL, or horizontal join type, this is the resolution of each panel video in the output video. If choosing MIXED MOSAIC, then this is the resolution of the smaller videos in the panel (to the right).

After clicking RUN, you can follow the progress in the main SimBA terminal and the OS terminal. Once complete, a new output video with a date-time stamp in the filename is saved in the the same directory as the directory of the video selected as Video 1.

Print mode info

Use this tool to get the model information (e.g., number of features, number of trees used to create a model) from a model .sav file in SimBA.

  1. Next to the Model path entry box, click Browse and navigate to a model classifier that you have created in SimBA (e.g., select the MyClassifier.sav file.

  2. Next, click PRINT MODEL INFO and you should see the following information printed in the main SimBA terminal.

This information tells you how many trees the classifier uses, how many features the classifier expects, further model hyperparameter settings, and when the file was created etc.

Extract ROI definitions to human-readable format

Your drawn ROI definitions (their locations, sizes, vertices, colors etc.) are saved inside the project_folder/logs/measures/ROI_definitions.h5 file in your SimBA project. Sometimes, we may want to extract this data into human-readable format. To do this, click the Convert ROI definitions in the tools menu:

  • In the ROI DEFINITIONS PATH (H5) file-selection box, click Browse and select the path to the project_folder/logs/measures/ROI_definitions.h5 for which you want to extract the.
  • In the SAVE DIRECTORY folder-select box, select the directory where you want to store the output files.
  • Once filled in, click RUN.

Once complete, check the SAVE DIRECTORY for files with the names formatted as polygons_datetimestamp.csv, rectangles_datetimestamp.csv, and circles_datetimestamp.csv. If no circles, rectangles, or polygons exist in the ROI_definitions.h5, the respective CSV file will not be created.

For some examples of expected outputs, check THIS file for polygons, THIS file for rectangles, and THIS file for circles.

Extract project annotation counts

If you have annotated (or appeneded annotations to) a bunch of videos in a SimBA project, you may want a count of how many frames, and how many seconds, you have annotated each behavior as present and absent in each video in the entire project. To get this,

  1. Click the Count labels in project button in the Tools menu.
  2. Next, select the project_config.ini file belonging to the project in which you want to count the annotations within.
  3. Click the RUN button.

You can follow the progress in the main SimBA window. Once complete, the annotation counts are saved in a CSV within the project_folder/logs directory in with the annotation_counts_20240110185525.csv filename format. For an example of the expected output, see THIS file.

Note: Each of the videos inside the project_folder/csv/targets_inserted directory also **have to be&& represented in the project_folder/logs/video_info.csv for this to work. This is in order for SimBA to know the FPS of the videos and accurately calculate the number of seconds that each behavior has been annotated as present and absent in each of the videos.

Circle crop

Sometimes, we may want to crop videos according to user-defined circles rather than user-defined rectangles. To do this,

  1. Click the 'Crop videos (circles)' button in the Tools menu, and you should see the pop-up below.

2). To circle crop a single video, select the video path in the top menu and click the Crop button.

3). The first frame of the video should pop open. Click and hold-down the left mouse-button at the center of your to-be cropped region. The, drag the mouse towards teh outer boundary of the circle regions. Finally, without letting go of the left mouse button, hit the ESC, SPACE or Q button on your keyboard. See the videos below for expected input and output.

4). If you want to circle crop multiple videos, and your camera location / arena location is static across multiple recordings, then you may just want to define the cropped circle location in one video and crop all videos in a directory using the circle defined one. For this, use the Fixed circle coordinates crop for multiple videos submenu.

  1. Define the directory where your videos are stored using the Video directory browse button.
  2. Use the Output directory browse button to specify the location directory where the cropped videos should be stored.
  3. Hit the Crop Videos button. You can follow the progress in the main SimBA terminal window.

Clip (trim) single video by frame numbers

Sometimes, we may want to clip videos between specified frame numbers instead of specified time-stamps To do this, click the Clip single video by frame number button in the Tools menu, and you should see the follow po-up menu:

i) Browse and select for the video that you want to clip by frame number.

ii) In the START FRAME entry-box, select the frame where the trimmed video should start. In the END FRAME entry-box, select the frame where the trimmed video should end.

iii) Click the RUN button. You can follow the progress in the main SimBA terminal and the opertaing system terminal.

iv) Once complete, a new video will be stored in the same directory as in the input video, with a suffix in the file-name representing the clipped start and end point frame numbers.

Clip (trim) multiple videos by frame numbers

Sometimes, we may want to clip multiple videos between specified frame numbers instead of specified time-stamps To do this, click the Clip multiple videos by frame number button in the Tools menu.

i) First, you will be asked to select a directory containing input videos, as well as a directory where the clipped videos should be stored. Select the directories and click RUN, and you should see the following pop-up:

ii) The table will contain one row per video in the input directory. For reference, under the TOTAL FRAMES heading, is the total number of frames contained in each video file.

iii) In the START FRAME entry-box, select the frame where the trimmed video should start. In the END FRAME entry-box, select the frame where the trimmed video should end.

iv) Click the RUN button. You can follow the progress in the main SimBA terminal and the operating system terminal.

v) Once complete, new videos will be stored in your selected output directory.

Clip multiple videos

Use this menu to clip multiple videos between specified time-stamps.

Note I: If you instead want to clip videos between specific frame numbers rather than time-stamps, use the Clip (trim) multiple videos by frame numbers or clip (trim) single video by frame numbers functions.

Note II: To clip multiple videos by specified time-stamps, you can also use the batch pre-processing tools in SimBA.

i) First, you will be asked to select a directory containing input videos, as well as a directory where the clipped videos should be stored. Select the directories and click RUN, and you should see the following pop-up:

ii) The table will contain one row per video in the input directory. For reference, under the VIDEO LENGTH heading, is the length of each video in HH:MM:SS format.

iii) In the START TIME entry-box, enter the time when the new video should start. E.g., enter 00:02:01 to make the new video start after two minutes and one second of the input video. In the END TIME entry-box, enter the time when the new video should end. E.g., enter 00:04:21 to make the new video end after four minutes and twenty-one second of the input video.

iv) Click the RUN button. You can follow the progress in the main SimBA terminal and the operating system terminal.

v) Once complete, new videos will be stored in your selected output directory.

Author Simon N, JJ Choong