A wrapper around gspread with cell and row level functionalities
from betterspread import Sheet, Connection
con = Connection(credentials_path="./credentials.json")
sheet = Sheet(connection=con, sheet_name="Better Sheet")
tab = await sheet.get_tab('Sheet1')
is a subclass of gsprad's Spreadsheet
await tab.values() # returns a list of rows
row is a subclass of list, with functionalities like update
and clear
row = await tab.get_row(1) # returns a Row
await row.update(['new', 'values'])
await row.clear() # clear all value of the row
cell is a subclass of string, with additional functionalities like update
and clear
cell = await tab.get_cell('A1') # returns a Cell
cell = row[0] # same as above
await cell.update('New cell value')
await cell.clear() # clear value of the cell