Organisation of "GSON chimie informatique sous python" lessons :
Lundi 11 janvier 2021 10h-12h 13h30-15h30
- Slides 1_GSON_intro (30 min) PYL
- Slides 2_introduction_informatique (30 min) GP
- Talktorial Introductif 1 Intro Python, jupyter (40 min) GP
- Talktorial Introductif 2 Intro chemoinfo - RDKit (1h20) GP
Mardi 12 janvier 10h-12h 13h30-15h30
Data Acquisition (1h45-2h) GP
- Talktorial 1 Data acquisition from ChEMBL
Filtering (1h45-2h) PYL
Descriptors and ADME (1h15)
- Slides 4_Descripteurs_fingerprints
- Talktorial 2 Molecular filtering: ADME/Lipinski criteria
ACP (45 min)
- Slides 3_Intro_ACP
- Notebook ACP
Mercredi 13 janvier 10h-12h 13h30-15h30
Filtering (1h45) PYL
- Talktorial 3 Substructure removal : PAINS
Ligand based Screening (2h) GP
- Slides 5_fingerprint_similarity
- Talktorial 4 Fingerprints and Molecular Similarity
Jeudi 14 janvier 10h-12h 13h30-15h30
Clustering (2h) GP
- Talktorial 5 : Compound clustering (1h)
- Talktorial 6 : MCS (1h)
Machine Learning (2h) PYL
- 6_Machine Learning
- Talktorial 7 Machine Learning (ROC curve) PYL
Vendredi 15 janvier 10h-12h 13h30-15h30
- End of other lessons (2h)
- Exam (2h)
2018: Fabrice, Colin
2019: Colin, Gautier
2020: Gautier, Pierre-Yves
- 21 students
- Integration of TeachOpenCADD and binder
2021: Gautier, Pierre-Yves
- 22 students
- Distance learning, via TEAMS
- Integration of nbautoeval (Exercises and Quiz)