Function Expression allows us to create an anonymous function which doesn't have any function name which is the main difference between fucntion expression and function Declaration. A function expression can be used as an IIFE(immediately invoked Function Expression)which runs as soon as it is defined. A function expression has to be stored in a variable and can be accessed using variableName.
- Syntax for function Decalartion:-
function declaration() {
console.log("hello declartion");
- Syntax for function Expression(anonymous):-
let variableName = function (x, y) {
console.log("No name");
- Syntax for function Expression (named):-
let variablename = function functionName(x, y) {
console.log("Named function");
If a function is specified as a function Expression. It can be given a name.
- There are three reason to make a solid case they are :-
- Reliable function self-reference (recursion.etc)
- more Degubble stack traces
- More self-documenting code
Arrow function is a Function with Arrow mark (=>)
and works as usual like regular function.
Arrow function is one of the features introduced in the Es6 version of javascript. It allows you to create functions in a cleaner way compared to regular functions.
Arrow functiion is just like Regular function but in arrow function it is callable but not constructable like (New keyword) and (this keyword)
- For Example:-
var arrowfunction = (a, b) => a * b;